These recent articles in the nursing literature made my list of "picks" as being especially interesting from an EBN point of view. Articles with an ** should be available at Burlew Medical Library, either electronically or in print.
1. Tannery, Nancy Hrinya, Wessel, Charles B, Epstein, Barbara A, Gadd, Cynthia S.
Hospital nurses' use of knowledge-based information resources. Nursing Outlook 2007 55:15-19 2007 Jan-Feb **
2. Barron, J, Petrilli F, Strath, L, McCaffrey R.
Sucessful interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy. MCN:The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 32(1):42-9 2007 Jan-Feb **
3. Hook, ML, Winchel S.
Fall-related injuries in acute care: reducing the risk of harm MEDSURG Nursing 2006 Dec 15(6):370-7, 381 **
4. Mathieson, C, Tavianini, HD, Palladino K.
Best practices in stroke rapid response: a case study. MEDSURG Nursing 2006 Dec 15(6):364-9 **
5. Gaskamp C, Sutter, R, Meraviglia M.
Evidence-based guideline: promoting spirituality in the older adult. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2006 Nov; 32)11):8-13 **
6. Goldhill DR, Imhoff M, McLean B, Waldmann C.
Rotational bed therapy to prevent and treat respiratory complications: a review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Critical Care 2007 Jan 16(1):50-62 **
7. Cason, CL, Tyner, T, Saunders, S, Broome, L.
Nurses' implementation of guidelines for ventilator-associated pneumonia from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. American Journal of Critical Care 2007 Jan 16(1):28-38 **
8. Tolentino-Delosreyes AF, Ruppert, SD, Shiao SPK.
Evidence-based practice: use of the ventilator bundle to to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. American Journal of Critical Care 2007 Jan 16(1):20-7 **
9. Hermans, MH.
Wound wise. Silver-containing dressings and the need for evidence: before choosing a specific dressing, take a look at the literature.
American Journal of Nursing 2006 Dec 106(12):60-9 **
10. Low, LK, Miller, J.
A clinical evaluation of evidence-based maternity care using the Optimality Index JOGNN 2006 Nov Dec 35(6):786-93 **
11. Murphy PA, Fullerton, JT.
Development of the Optimality Index as a new approach to evaluating outcomes of maternity care JOGNN 2006 Nov-Dec 35(6):770-8 **
12. Mercer, RT, Walker, LO.
A review of nursing interventions to foster becoming a mother. JOGNN 2006 Sep-Oct 35(5):568-82 **
13. Ahlqvist M, Bogren A, Hagman S, Nazar I, Nilsson K, Nordin K, Valfridsson BS, Soderlund M, Nordstrom G.
Handling of peripheral intravenous cannulae: effects of evidence-based clinical guidelines. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006 Nov 15(11):1354-61 **
14. Kleinpell, RM, Graves BT, Ackerman MH.
Incidence, pathogenesis, and management of sepsis: an overview. AACN Advanced Critical Care 2006 Oct-Dec 17(4):385-93 **
15. Harrington L, Hoffman E, Allard PM, Adams BJ, Hamilton P, Wright K, Cargo V.
Nursing research dashboard: a tool for managing your nursing research program Nurse Leader 2006 Oct 4(5):54-7
16. Zitella LJ, Friese CR, Hauser J, Gobel BH, Woolery M, O'Leary C, Andrews FA.
Putting evidence into practice: prevention of infection. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 2006 De4c 10(6):739-50, 781-3 **
17. Numata Y, Schulzer M, Van der Wal R, Globerman H, Semenluk P, Balka E, FitzGerald JM.
Nurse staffing levels and hospital mortality in critical care settings: literature review and meta-analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 2006 Aug 55(4):435-48
18. Funfgeld-Connett D.
Meta-analysis of presence in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2006 Sep 55(6):708-14