Saturday, August 30, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/30
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008
8/28 NP jobs thank you, bill
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/27
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/26
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Monday, August 25, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/25
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Saturday, August 23, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/23
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Friday, August 22, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/22
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Thursday, August 21, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/21
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/20
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/19
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Monday, August 18, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/18
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Saturday, August 16, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/16
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Main Event
I love watching Olympic Gymnastics, and this year was no different! The showdown for the Team event was USA vs China. China won, with USA in 2nd and Russia in 3rd. The AA was next, another showdown but this time the top two spots would be USA vs USA.
Nastia Liukin came out on top, Shawn Johnson in 2nd and Yang Yilin from China in 3rd.
Nastia: Silver Team, Gold AA, Silver Bars, Bronze Floor, Silver Beam
Shawn: Silver Team, Silver AA, Silver Floor, Gold Beam Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/15
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Thursday, August 14, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/14
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/13
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/12
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Monday, August 11, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/11
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Friday, August 8, 2008 Nurse Practitioner Jobs 8/8
Post Nurse Practitioner Jobs Post Physician Assistant jobs, Post Nurse Practitioner job, Physician Assistant job, NP jobs, Nurse Practitioner Resumes Nurse Jobs Physician Jobs CRNA jobs,Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Jobs,ARNP jobs,Advanced Practice Provider,Advanced Practice Clinician,Nurse Practitioner
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Nurses Job and Career Opportunities in Singapure

ParkwayHealth company right now they have a total of 15 hospitals around the region providing 3,277 beds and the expertise of 1,500 accredited medical professionals in a wide range of specialist fields. The Nurses who match with the following job requirements bellow, They can send their job application to the email :
Nurses Job Responsibilities are :
- Responsible for the effective and efficient running of the operating theatres
- Manage the organization, administration, co-ordination and evaluation of peri-operative care in the operating theatre
- Provide high quality nursing care, thereby ensuring competent, personalized, specialized and cost-effective care is provided by nursing staff to patients
- Lead and direct clinical/service quality activities
- Provide nursing leadership to lead, supervise, coach and support nursing staff to deliver nursing care towards meeting organizational goals
- Nurture the development of staff through mentoring and role modeling
Nurses Job Requirements :
- SRN Certificate from an accredited School of Nursing
- Post graduate Nursing Specialty Certificate/Degree
- Diploma/Master in Management Studies or its equivalent is preferred
- At least 7-8 years’ experience in a supervisory capacity with demonstrated executive ability and leadership, of which 2 years must be spent as Senior Nurse Manager
- Posses good interpersonal and communication skills
- Computer literacy – MS office
Nurses Job Responsiblities are :
- Responsible and accountable for the overall performance of the unit
- Provides nursing leadership in the management of patient care in the operating theatre/wards
- Facilitate safe and efficient use of resources
- Nurtures the development of staff through mentoring and role modeling
Nurses Job Requirements :
- Registered Nurse with Bachelor’s Degree preferred
- Diploma/Degree in Nursing Management
- Working experience as Nurse Manager or related Managerial experiences in an acute care hospital
- Possess professional license to practice nursing in Singapore
- Positive work attitude and leadership qualities
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Those with at least 8 years’ clinical experience may be considered for the Senior Nurse Manager position
8/7 NP hot jobs Karen 'n bill
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Commentary on Systematic REview Focused on EOL Care in Those with Different Cultural Affiliations
Thomas, R., Wilson, D. M., Justice, C., Birch, S., & Sheps, S. (2008). A literature review of preferences for end-of-life care in developed countries by individuals with different cultural affiliations and ethnicity. Journal of hospice & Palliative Nursing, 10, 142-161.
Author’s Abstract
Anticipatory decision making about end-of-life care (EOL care) is predominantly a North American concept. Researchers investigated four themes: advance directives, life support, communication, and decision making. Substantial differences exist among cultural groups in the percentages with living wills/advance directives, and they are less frequent for those with family-centered decision making or with less trust in the healthcare system. African Americans prefer life support more than Asian Americans or European Americans. Cultural groups vary in their preferences about communicating terminal diagnoses. Non-English-speaking patients perceive communication as a barrier to care. Mexican Americans, Korean Americans, and Canadian First Nations emphasize family-based decision making at the end of life, and European Americans emphasize patient autonomy.
Commentary by Dana Rutledge, RN, PhD, Nursing Research Facilitator
In this systematic review[1], authors carefully describe the procedure they used to find studies to critically appraise. They focused on studies with data concerning preferences of minority or cultural groups about EOL care. Thomas and colleagues evaluated 26 varied studies that collected data from quite heterogeneous samples (from nursing home residents to persons 50 and older who died as inpatients in one California hospital). Their content analysis of study findings led to four themes, which they describe well.
Advanced directives (ADs) were addressed primarily in US studies and focused on living wills or durable power of attorney. While many in most cultural groups were aware of ADs, several samples indicate lack of awareness in groups of Mexican Americans and the majority of some Asian Americans. Fewer persons sampled actually had an AD (0-28%) while more had a health care proxy named (but not necessarily a durable power of attorney). Attitudes towards ADs varied with groups less likely to desire an AD having strong religious believes and rituals. One international study indicated that ADs are primarily an American phenomenon although people in other countries believe they are a good idea.
Mostly in US studies, cultural group preferences for life support were gathered via descriptions of how many people actually had DNR orders along with attitudes towards DNR in different cultural groups. Findings differed across studies with one study showing that Asian Americans prefer no resuscitation and another showing that Japanese prefer DNR while Chinese do not. African Americans and Mexican American were most likely to desire life support while European Americans were least likely. Preferences of family members influenced decisions about life support and disagreements existed between some individuals and their families.
Communication about preferences for EOL care was studied in several countries. Mention was made of the “Western way” of informing people about terminal illnesses as being abrupt and even terrifying. Barriers to communication include language issues, pressures on family and caregivers, lack of choice of care options, and fear of signing documents. Facilitators include inclusion of family members in discussions and availability of medical specialists. Thus, “cultural group understandings and preferences are a major potential influence on the type of communication that occurs around EOL care issues” (p. 154).
The role of family in EOL decision making varies across cultural groups with several groups desiring family-centered decision making (African American, Mexican/Latin American, Japanese, Arab American) and others autonomous decision making (European American, German). Many groups dislike using sedation as a medical intervention since it blocks clear thinking and somnolence/confusion.
Conclusions drawn are difficult since most studies analyzed investigated cultural differences within one country (usually US) or focused on one aspect of EOL care. However, all highlight the importance of being aware of and sensitive to cultural group preferences. Those caring for persons at the EOL need to “ask pertinent questions and be willing to listen to and heed the answers” (p. 160).
Cook, D. J., Mulrow, C. D., & Haynes, R. B. (1999). Systematic reviews: Synthesis of best evidence for clinical decisions. Annals of Internal Medicine, 126, 376-380.
[1] Systematic review - involves the application of scientific strategies, in ways that limit bias, to the assembly, critical appraisal, and synthesis of all relevant studies that address a specific clinical question; a type of systematic review, meta-analysis uses statistical methods to combine and summarize findings from several studies; useful characteristics of a systematic review: clear reporting of information obtained using rigorous methods (Cook, Mulrow, & Haynes, 1999)
8/6 NP job posted on Karen 'n bill
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Too Busy To Post Right Now
Here are some pictures of the boys and me at Camp.


Well, it's been 2 months without taking Zanaflex.. I hate not having it anymore, as it really helped with my spasticity. BUT, it was making my "good" arm very weak and useless.. I can't afford to have a 2 "bad" arms!
So now, without the drug, my arm is better (as the second EMG proved). NOW I am more spastic even with an increased dosage of Baclofen. Grrrrrr :(
Had my 4th round of Botox and for some reason this time they all hurt/burned while going in. Oh well, I just suck it up and deal as I know it's worth it in the long run.
8/5 NP job posted on Karen 'n bill
Monday, August 4, 2008
8/4 NP job posted on Karen 'n bill
Saturday, August 2, 2008
8/2 NP job posted on Karen 'n bill
Friday, August 1, 2008
Julie's picks from the Nursing literature: July 2008

Here are some interesting reads from the current nursing literature around the issues of evidence based nursing or nursing research. Staff at St. Joseph Hospital (Orange, Ca) and Children's Hospital of Orange County may access or request these articles via the library's website.
1. Bertaut Y. Campbell A. Goodlett D. Implementing a rapid-response team using a nurse-to-nurse consult approach. Journal of Vascular Nursing. 2008 Jun; 26(2): 37-42. (12 ref) AN: 2009939962 NLM Unique Identifier: 18492556.
2. Hagedorn ME. Zahourek RP. Research paradigms and methods for investigating holistic nursing concerns. Nursing Clinics of North America. 2007 Jun; 42(2): 335-53. (85 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009934325 NLM Unique Identifier: 17544686.
3. Sprague AE. Oppenheimer L. McCabe L. Graham ID. Davies BL. Knowledge to action: implementing a guideline for second stage labor. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2008 May-Jun; 33(3): 179-88. (25 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009932616 NLM Unique Identifier: 18453908.
4. Beck CT. State of the science on postpartum depression: what nurse researchers have contributed -- part 2. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2008 May-Jun; 33(3): 151-8. (62 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009927076 NLM Unique Identifier: 18453904.
5. Hommel A. Bjorkelund KB. Thorngren K. Ulander K. Differences in complications and length of stay between patients with a hip fracture treated in an orthopaedic department and patients treated in other hospital departments. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. 2008 Feb; 12(1): 13-25. (59 ref) AN: 2009942226.
NLM Serial ID Number
6. Budin WC. Hoskins CN. Haber J. Sherman DW. Maislin G. Cater JR. Cartwright-Alcarese F. Kowalski MO. McSherry CB. Fuerbach R. Shukla S. Breast cancer: education, counseling, and adjustment among patients and partners: a randomized clinical trial. Nursing Research. 2008 May-Jun; 57(3): 199-213. (42 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009935230 NLM Unique Identifier: 18496106.
NLM Serial ID Number
7. Mantzoukas S. Facilitating research students in formulating qualitative research questions. Nurse Education Today. 2008 Apr; 28(3): 371-7. (29 ref) AN: 2009922124 NLM Unique Identifier: 17714834.
NLM Serial ID Number8511379 ISSN
8. Brewer B. The Clinical Scholar Model: building the capacity for research and EBP: the Clinical Scholar Model: building capacity in a community hospital. Communicating Nursing Research. 2007 Spring; 40 215. AN: 2009904759.
NLM Serial ID Number
9. Brewer MA. The Clinical Scholar Model: building the capacity for research and EBP: the Clinical Scholar Model: building capacity in a pediatric facility. Communicating Nursing Research. 2007 Spring; 40 214. AN: 2009904755.
NLM Serial ID Number
10. Nyamathi AM. Vision for nursing research over the next half decade. Communicating Nursing Research. 2007 Spring; 40 73-80. (25 ref) AN: 2009871977 NLM Unique Identifier: 17900069.
NLM Serial ID Number
11. de Nijs EJM. Ros W. Grijpdonck MH. Nursing intervention for fatigue during the treatment for cancer. Cancer Nursing. 2008 May-Jun; 31(3): 191-208. (44 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009921180 NLM Unique Identifier: 18453875.
NLM Serial ID Number7805358
12. Miracle VA. Effective poster presentations. DCCN: Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 2008 May-Jun; 27(3): 122-4. (7 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009922449 NLM Unique Identifier: 18434870.
NLM Serial ID Number
13. Bonner A. Sando J. Examining the knowledge, attitude and use of research by nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. 2008 Apr; 16(3): 334-43. (52 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009853834 NLM Unique Identifier: 18324993.
NLM Serial ID Number
14. Marchionni C. Ritchie J. Organizational factors that support the implementation of a nursing Best Practice Guideline. Journal of Nursing Management. 2008 Apr; 16(3): 266-74. (69 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009853826 NLM Unique Identifier: 18324985. NLM Serial ID Number