My "Nursing as a Profession" course is exactly what it sounds: a class that studies why the career is a profession rather than simply a job. We read long chapters about the history and legalities of nursing, and compose over-researched essays on pretentious topics. Right now I have to write a two page, APA-perfect paper about a professional organization. I've chosen to do mine on the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) because I'm already a member. Usually when writing people complain about having to spread a little information out over several pages, right? Oh no; this one is a burden because I don't know how I'll ever fit all the criteria into so little space. I loathe this assignment far more than my "Definition of Nursing" paper from a few weeks ago. Despite having many resources, I feel like I haven't made any progress all day.
Hence this blog entry. I love to take a break.
I find my mind drifting to other things NSNA related. For example: I've finally finished my shirt designs for the school's SNA chapter. I think these designs are much more interesting than the huge school seal they've had on their backs for the last couple years. Apparently our SNA has gotten itself in trouble in the past for having questionable phrases on previous shirts. Things like "Not Tonight, I Have Clinicals". I think its hilarious personally, and not nearly so bad as some of the things we've seen at the national conventions (One group had shirts saying "Palpate THIS". If only someone walked by our Dean in one of those, hoooo boy.)
I think they turned out quite well, don't you? Sorry about the watermarks.

I love to take a break.
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