Significance of Nursing Care Plan
We might be faced with many types of diseases and health conditions in various stages of our lives. Some health issues make us extremely weak and we cannot perform even the most basic activities like bathing, by ourselves. At times like this, life becomes very difficult. People might have health problems that need them to take complete bed rest. In case of fractures and injuries, you might have to be bed ridden for months. In these cases, patients need extra care in order to manage themselves. This is where nursing comes in. Several degrees and types of nursing are used to help patients depending on the kind of problem they have.A proper, systematic approach is needed to determine what kind of care a patient needs. This is important for making sure that a particular person gets proper nursing treatment and doesn’t have to suffer. This is why the concept of nursing care plan came into existence. this plan specifies the actions a nurse will need to take to help a particular patient. This plan chalks out the details of nursing services that a patient is in need of and, guides a nurse thoroughly to make sure that the patient in question gets the needed assistance.
In a lot of cases, patients suffer from very serious problems and are too weak to do
anything at all. They need assistance with eating, dressing, passing bowels, etc. This is very common in post surgery conditions and people feel helpless. They might even show depression symptoms. This calls for extensive nursing. Each and every activity, ranging from bathing the patient to feeding him or her, needs to be done by a nurse. An organized care plan needs to be created to ensure that the patient gets complete care and gets better soon.
Nursing is not just about taking care of a patient or providing assistance. It plays a very important role in the treatment of a problem. Nursing helps people to get better and, makes them get over stress symptoms to gain complete control of their lives once again. A planned approach works like a step by step guide to lead a patient towards complete recovery. Regular changes are noted and the level of assistance is controlled in such a way that, with each passing day, the patient depends on himself or herself a little more than the previous day. The patient should not get too used to nursing; as, this might slow down the recovery process.
A complete plan involves targets that need to be achieved within specific deadlines. This is done to make nurses work in a more directed and focused way. As soon as the treatment commences, a nurse finds as much test result based or diagnosis based data as available.
Then, the nurse gives a complete nursing diagnosis to list out the different types of support the respective patient need to be given. A goal is set up that needs to be achieved within a stipulated date. The nurse predicts the improvement in the patient at that date and works towards making it a reality.
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