Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We are committed to displaying the content in our magazines over placing advertisements. We want to make sure that our magazine's main focus is on the articles and stories, but we do support advertising for birth services and birth related businesses/organizations. Purchasing advertising space is also a great way to support our publication!

Our Birth Directory is available on a sliding scale from $5-20 to be included in 2 consecutive issues. This is a short text only 200 word or less ad for yourself, business, website, etc. If you are unable to pay at this time, you may place yourself in the directory for free as we want to encourage as much participation as possible.

Print advertising is also available in the magazine. 
We offer a few options for color, on page advertisements in our magazine. We offer business card, quarter page and half page ad sizes to businesses and services and reserve full page advertisements for organizations, events or conferences. On page advertisements are published in one issue and are up for renewal at any time. Rates are as follows:

Business card (3 x 2 inches) - $35
Quarter Page (4 x 5 inches) -  $45
Half Page (4 x 8 inches) - $65
Sizes may be slightly larger or smaller in print.

Please contact us about rates for full page advertisements. 
We offer significant discounts for organizations and non-profits.

We are super excited about the the winter issue and hope you are too! 
The deadline for submissions is quickly approaching on November 15th! 


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