Tuesday, February 8, 2011

6 Techniques to get attention from your target women

If you attend a party, where so many beautiful women there. You want to get the attention of the woman. And you also want to get a pair there. There are some suggestions from experts to get the attention of the women at the time:

You want to see, then you should look!
If in an event you want to see, then your position should be in front or in the middle of the room.

Color Interesting!
Wear a blue shirt, do not be greenish yellow. Women are more easily attracted by a man wearing a blue shirt. Because according to the woman, blue gives the impression of stable, loyal and always there every time of need.

Hold of yourself!
Do not eat chewing gum while doing approach in women because it means you're nervous and frustrated.

Align and open!
Women are more attracted to dominant men. To generate the dominant impression, try to always stand up straight with your shoulders slightly back, stand with legs open stretch of about 20 cm with the finger to the front.

The impression is always positive!
Exude a positive aura from within yourself. If you are interested in a woman that you are unfamiliar, then ... .. Face-to-eye for 5 seconds ... .. smile .... Then turn away! Do it three times in 10-15 minutes.

Attack ...!
If there is a positive response from the woman you look mean time you approached her, greeted her and spoke. Do not be too long to respond, because the interests of women, may change too quickly.

Keep the signal!
When communication has begun to be created, it must be maintained in a way not ever come imitate her movements, and also follow the direction of the conversation, and occasionally you who determine the direction of the conversation.

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