Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chest Pain Treatment

Self-Care at Home

Chest Pain Treatment

Heart Attack

If you suspect that you or someone you are with may be having a heart attack, call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.

  • While waiting for the ambulance, have the patient chew two baby aspirin or at least half of a regular aspirin - at least 160 mg. There is no evidence that taking more than this helps more, and the patient could have unwanted side effects if they take too much.

  • It is important to chew the aspirin before swallowing it because chewing decreases the time the medicine takes to have an effect.

  • Chewing an aspirin in the early stages of a heart attack may reduce the risk of death and it may also reduce the severity of the attack.


If the patient has had angina and has nitroglycerin tablets available, have the patient place one under the tongue. This may aid in increasing blood flow to blocked or narrowed arteries.

  • If the chest pain continues in the next five minutes, take another tablet under the tongue.

  • If, after three nitroglycerin tablets, the patient does not have relief of the chest pain, immediately call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.


If the pain is from acid reflux (GERD), it may be relieved with antacids. Even if the patient's pain goes away after taking an antacid, do not assume they are not having a heart attack. The patient should still be evaluated in a hospital emergency department.

Source :

1 comment:

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