Saturday, February 12, 2011

Logging On to Gloria Lemay's Interweb Classroom

Two nights ago I came home from a long day at work and all I felt like doing was snuggling up in my bed to let my tired feet rest. Usually, I would have opted to ditch any evening obligations on a night like this, but I was actually very excited about the class I had signed myself up for that evening. My partner and I made dinner and watched a few instant Netflix episodes of Rosanne while I relaxed before class. Normally, I would have been too busy figuring out the logistics for the new class to eat my dinner or watch cheesy 90's sitcoms. However, instead of concerning myself over materials, directions to the location and commuting time; I put on my PJs, grabbed some blank notebook paper, pulled up my 5-gallon-bucket makeshift seat to the makeshift desk where my computer sat and logged on to for this week's Gloria Lemay online midwifery course.

Gloria Lemay is a midwife from Vancouver B.C. who is known for her radical politics. She has been hosting a series of live, online midwifery courses for the last month. There are two different times available, designed to meet the needs of students in both hemispheres. This being my first online class with Gloria, I didn't know what to expect.

When I logged on to the class the Rolling Stones began to blast through my speakers. I did not expect that. I saw an active chat window to the lower right, a live video stream in the upper right corner and the left part of the screen filled with the first slide of a power point presentation. Gloria's musical selections played while she waited for people to log on. The number in attendance jumped from 25 to 65 in a matter of minutes and I felt like I'd just logged on to a huge online midwifery party. This is the place for birth workers to be on a Thursday evening. Gloria and returning students greeted each other in the chat window while new members introduced themselves and announce where they were logging on from. Katy from Kansas City, Julie from Utah.. etc. Camaraderie! There is something very exciting about so many people from around the country connecting all at once.

No doubt the high numbers in attendance were due in part to the accessibility of the course. For eight bucks per class you have the option of learning from a great midwifery teacher without leaving your house (or the library, or the internet cafe).

The class began when Gloria's voice came through the speakers and she announced the class title. We followed along as she clicked through the power point slides and gave her lecture. This course featured basic information about what healthy nutrition during pregnancy looks like and a live sample interview with a pregnant lady about diet. All in all, the class was brief, but included valuable information.

This series of classes could be very useful for new midwifery students and established birth professionals alike. The accessibility of these inexpensive, online classes is exciting especially when there are so many aspiring midwives looking for education options and old timers looking for up-to-date review. I sincerely hope that this concept takes off and that other midwifery educators consider joining Gloria in using this technology. Let's keep it cheap and available! 

To find out more information about Gloria's upcoming classes, check out: Also, look for our interview with Gloria Lemay in the Spring 2011 issue.

This blog was written by Meghan Guthrie, the art director and co-editor of SQUAT.

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