Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's wrong with my cat? Vet has no answers...?

We have an 11 year old male cat. He was originally a stray who we took in when his mother abandoned him at approximately 5 weeks. He's been exclusively an indoor cat since. Over the last year or so there's been something wrong with him, including: 1. Weight loss (possibly due to some dental issues which have been resolved) but now his body is so saggy and bumpy. 2. Neediness (wouldn't give me the time of day he won't leave me alone). 3. Sneezing and gagging constantly. (Nothing comes hairballs) 4. Increased appetite (never cared about "human" food before, but now he'd knife me to get at whatever I'm eating) which leads to... 5. Vomiting (possibly from overeating) 6. Inappropriate urination** **Ok, this is the worst. This cat pees everywhere - clothes on the floor (No matter how neat you are..clothes DO fall on the floor sometimes), area rugs, dog bed, leather boots in the closet (expensive leather boots I might add!) and our COUCH. (He even somehow went on the couch skirt....not sure how he angled that...). We are meticulous with the litter boxes (have two - one per cat). Scooped daily, completely changed 2x week. We've experienced with different litter to no avail. (he is also using the box BTW...) No other changes in the household lately (so i don't think it's behavioral). The vet has run a number of tests but can't find anything wrong. Cat took meds for UTI for 2 weeks and was ok for about a week. Then the daily pissing started again. I hesitate to take him to the vet again, b/c we've spent so much $$ so far and there's obviously something still wrong. But I am sure I'll end up doing it this week. I hate for him to be so pitiful...but having never owned cats before, I'm at a loss as to what to do. Anyone have ideas about what could be wrong??
There are so many things that can cause these symptoms. Your kitty may have a kidney disease, urinary tract infection, anxiety about something that is connected with his physical unthriftiness, so it is very difficult to "hazard" a guess and would be unethical also. Your vet is obviously missing something so I suggest that you seek a second opinion. If you have a feline-only veterinarian in your area, it is worth the travel to seek help. Feline only vets are far more likely to be aware of the unique problems that occur in cats. Cats that urinate inappropriately but use the box for defecation may also be a clue that you need to discuss with a feline-only vet. I wish you the best with your kitty. I know how frustrating it is when a diagnosis cannot be reached. but of course it must be, and very soon. Troublesniffer Owned by cats for over 40 years

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