Wednesday, March 31, 2010
karena Blog Anda berbahasa Indonesia !
Kenapa tidak coba aja ! | Adsensenya Indonesia, disini kita bisa sign up dengan 2 kategori. Advertisers dan Web owner. Kalo mau pasang iklan tentang toko, usaha jasa, website atau perusahaan kita dengan sistem bayar per unit klik, anda bisa memilih kategori Advertisers. Tapi kalo mau dapat tambahan penghasilan, seperti di google adsense, tidak ada ruginya mencoba sign up di kategori Web Owner. Jadi setiap kali ada yang melakukan klik terhadap iklan di situs kita, kita akan mendapatkan bayaran.
Setelah sign up, kita akan mendapatkan email konfirmasi yang dikirimkan melalui email kita yang berisi account untuk mengaktifkan keanggotaan kita di Dengan mengklik link yang ada di email konfirmasi tersebut, secara otomatis keanggotaan kita diaktifkan.
Setelah kita login di situs, baiknya kita mengisi form rekening dan lain-lain, setelah itu kita bisa mencopy script html, yang akan menampilkan iklan-iklan di situs kita. Ada beberapa pilihan yang bisa dipilih sesuai selera.
Bagaimana pembayarannya
Setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung terhadap iklan yang ada di situs kita, kita mendapatkan bayaran sebesar Rp. 300,- – 400,-. Dan jumlah itu akan selalu bertambah setiap hari. Bila jumlah nominal yang kita dapatkan sudah mencapai Rp. 10.000,- nominal itu akan ditambahkan ke rekening bank kita.
Apakah hanya itu ?
Tidak, dengan mereferalkan situs ke temen-temen kita, kita akan mendapatkan Rp. 25,- dari setiap klik yang dilakukan terhadap iklan yang ditampilkan di situs referral kita.
Coba yuk!
Browser tercepat untuk PC Windows
Jakarta - Browser yang diklaim paling cepat untuk berlari di komputer bersistem operasi Windows rupanya bukan Internet Explorer, yang sama-sama besutan Microsoft. Melainkan browser Opera 10.50.
Opera begitu percaya diri dengan klaimnya tersebut. Bahkan dikatakan Chief Executlahive Opera, Lars Boilesen, Opera 10.50 menjadi browser tercepat dalam semua tes yang dilakukan.
"Apa artinya untuk Anda: Tak akan ada lagi waktu menunggu untuk situs yang sedang didownload," lanjutnya, dikutip detikINET dari PC Magazine, Rabu (3/3/2010).
Meski demikian, Boilesen juga mengakui bahwa yang terpenting bukanlah pada hasil uji coba. Namun bagaimana kenyataannya di lapangan, apakah juga dapat berlari dengan sangat cepat atau hanya hasil mentereng di atas kertas.
Opera 10.50 sendiri saat ini sudah dapat diunduh oleh pengguna. Untuk pengguna Windows sudah disediakan dalam pilihan 42 bahasa. Sementara bagi pengguna Mac dan Linux sepertinya masih harus bersabar menunggu kedatangannya.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So you think Britain is a Nanny State? Random thoughts on Obamacare.,0,6728342.story
Seems unrelated but I you'll see a lot more of this real soon. I wonder how much worse this is going to get when young healthy people who don't want to buy insurance are forced to buy into Obama's corporate/government co-op or under the threat of IRS bullying and fines if they don't comply. The system will swell with expensive bureaucrats and lawyers (the only people who can even make an attempt to understand all the ins and outs of the new legislation) and the common people will be punished with restriction after restriction to "keep costs down".
The poorer states are already freaking out now that they are realising the cost of Obamacare, which is being imposed on them by the feds in a very unconstitutional manner. Some of the states supported leftist reform. But now that they are seeing just how high the costs are going to be, and realising that state funded services such as foster care, education etc are going to have to take major cuts they are trying to back pedal a little bit. The country is already broke. Americans are in for a shock if they don't think that Obamacare is going to restrict individual freedom. The fat cats will line up at the government trough and manage to get richer as always. But I think more than anything they should blame the republicans for all of this. US healthcare needed reform but it was ignored completely for too long and the democrats saw their chance to expand the federal government and gain more control over people's lives using the guise of "protecting people from corporate evil" to achieve their goals.. In my opinion "reform" should have gone in a different direction entirely. The left (like most groups) hates a monopoly where the rich get richer unless it's their own monoploy. Now they have theirs.
Damn it!
Reflection on Flaws
For my FIM class we had to write an essay on one of our flaws. Here's mine... for all the googlers. This is how I got in trouble last time. Lets see how it works this time...
Oh to choose just one flaw, when there are so many to pick from. Should I select the flaw that I believe is most hazardous to my physician health, I would say my largest and most important flaw is that I am different. Now, upon first glance one may paradoxically think that being different is an asset… and indeed in many cases it is. But not in this case. Not in the land of doctors.
For me, being different means that I rarely seem to be on the same page as my peers. My ideas are usually out in left field compared to everyone else (who oddly always seem to agree with each other). I am bored by routine. I think outside the box. Not just on the other side of the line… but really really far away from the box. I have millions of ideas. Every day. Every moment. I’m a big picture person and often fail to understand the importance of details. I often choose ethics and humanity over what makes “business sense”, and I hug my patients and chit-chat about their grandchildren when it is not a convenient time. I have no patience for pettiness and jealousy and turf wars. I’m never aware of class gossip because I don’t gossip, and I usually prefer to be alone. Although I am constantly told that I am understanding, non-judgmental, and easy to confide in, I myself feel misunderstood. While everyone else panics about exams, I only aspire to pass. Usually because my head is filled with other ideas. My classmates have planned out their residencies, and I believe that destiny leads you to where you are going. I don’t take notes in class. Frankly I can barely pay attention in class. My mind is busy thinking of new ways to recruit donors for a self-sustaining hospital that I want to build in rural Colombia. Or something the professor has given me a new idea for a way to get my pancreatic cancer cell line to develop drug resistance. Or maybe I could develop a research project on the predictive factor of a patient’s ability to correctly define their own disease state. Or…. See? It’s endless. I could go on forever.
One of the consequences of being a misfit is that I am usually thought to be overstepping my role in whatever I’m doing, often my benevolent intentions interpreted as just the opposite by my colleagues. My friends would describe me as willful and passionate and a creative problem solver, but I doubt my classmates would say the same. Just last week I noticed that one of my classmates was displeased because I asked a patient additional questions not on our “list”, which were technically the responsibility of other student team. To me, I was being empathic and human and searching for pieces of a very large puzzle thus far not found. In the end, I was able to locate a huge missing piece of that patient’s diagnosis. Unfortunately, I’m certain my classmate felt that his territory was infringed upon and that I was being overly aggressive.
I have seen other physicians with similar personalities experience severe difficulty fitting in, and difficulty maintaining their position in the physician world. I believe the key to solving this problem is to be as quiet as possible, and as unobtrusive as possible while training to be a physician. Hopefully someday when I’m older, wiser, and more secure in my medical career I can be more forthcoming with my quirkiness.
I can honestly say I have tried and tried to stifle the parts of my personality that cause me ask millions of questions, to say what no one else is thinking, to challenge authority, and to question the legitimacy of nearly everything I am presented with. I understand how detrimental these qualities can be to a physician-in-training. I’m working on it. It’s just so darn difficult! The excitement I feel when I have a new idea or find a solution to a problem is overwhelming!
Now that I’m older, I’ve come to embrace the fact that I am different. Although it has been a hard road. I’ve never been friends with the masses, but instead have a small but precious collection of friends who are also quite quirky and out-of-the-box thinkers. Many of them older, many of them physicians. They’ve told me that I’ll do well in my chosen career, and that I’m an “old soul” We shall see. Hopefully they are correct.
Over the last 12 hours...
Thank You. That's All.
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A Win for the Little People
The Medical Ward Sisters Song
5 little stressed out Sisters on the wards, 5 little stressed out Sisters , when one of those Sisters has a nervous breakdown and falls there will be 4 stressed out Sisters left on the wards.
4 little stressed out Sisters on the wards, 4 little stressed out Sisters , when one of those Sisters has a nervous breakdown and falls there will be 3 stressed out Sisters left on the wards.
3 little stressed out Sisters on the wards,3 little stressed out Sisters , when one of those Sisters has a nervous breakdown and falls there will be 2 stressed out Sisters left on the wards.
2 little stressed out Sisters on the wards, 2 little stressed out Sisters , when one of those Sisters has a nervous breakdown and falls there will be 1 stressed out Sister freaking out on the wards.
1 little stressed out Sister on the wards,1 little stressed out Sister , when that one sister has a nervous breakdown and falls there will be 0 stressed out Sisters left on the wards.
And management loves it because they want to hire more purchasing officers and patient journey champions rather than pay for any form of qualified nurses.
What do you think of my attempt at songwriting? I know, I know I should have a job at Sony. ; )
Monday, March 29, 2010
In Deep %$#&
Lucked Out
Even More Fun at Mealtimes and Productive Ward
On this particular shift we had 2 RN's and 2 care assistants for the shift. That was the entirety of the ward staff. No ward clerk to answer the phone.
There were 15 patients that needed to be fed. The entire ward consisted of 30 patients.
Between 6 PM and 6:30 PM thirteen people rang for commodes. This takes at least 20 minutes for each patient as you have to find a commode, get two staff to transfer the patient onto it, transfer the patient back to bed and then wash the commode for 11 minutes between patients as specified by the infection control bitches. They should do it themselves. It might help them lose some weight.
Between 6 and 6:30 five people needed analgesia.
Between 6 and 6:30 two new admissions were sent up.
Between 6 and 6:30 four IV pumps beeped and alarmed because of empty bags, pulled out lines, occlusions, and air in the lines. Time consuming to fix.
Between 6 and 6:30 one confused patient fell. She thought she was late for her bus.
Between 6 and 6:30 seven phone calls came in from family members who tried to talk my ear off and refused to get off the fucking line so I could get all the way back down the ward to my patients.
Between 6 and 6:30 one hundred and seventy drugs were due to be given. 170. Most were not on the ward. Many needed careful and time consuming preparation.
Between 6 and 6:30 one man had chest pain. It looked pretty classic. I had to page a medic (when I could actually manage to get a line out between relatives phoning). Get observations, GTN spray, an ECG, bloods and 02. I had to ignore the food trolley, and the call bells to do this and run past frail patients who were left with a tray of food that they couldn't manage to feed themselves. When the medic came I had to give a load of other stuff to the patient, and organise a transfer to CCU as well as hand him over to CCU and ring his family and answer all of their questions. I was quickly losing the ability to feed any patients. I found myself wishing that these poor bastards would let me get off the phone as it was mealtime.
Between 6 and 6:30 recovery demanded that either myself or the other RN working with me escort a patient back to the ward from theatre.
Between 6 and 6:30 a consultant showed up to do rounds and his junior doctor snapped his fingers at me to let me know they wanted me to follow them around as they reviewed each of their 11 patients.
By 6:25 one care assistant managed to get all the trays handed out. Then she started on the first feed. And it was then that kitchen started demanding all the trays etc back so that they could get them washed, sorted and get home on time.
I am not exaggerating. If anything, I am being conservative with all this.
The productive ward fuckos have given us some new ideas to try in order to help is avoid malnutrition in our patients. I wish I could scan the letter onto this blog. They gave us 5
1. They will be buying red trays and red tops for water jugs to help the nurses identifty who needs to be fed.
2. We are getting this giant laminated flow chart/ map of the ward that we have to fill in every mealtime identifying who needs to be fed in red marker. If someone doesn't get fed we have to colour in their block with a green marker and if they are able then we colour in that block with blue pen. If they are NBM for whatever reason we use a purple marker.
3. All staff have to drop what they are doing and participate in meal delivery. This is a dig at RN's who often leave meal delivery to the assistants because we have unavoidable ill patients, orders, and drugs due at mealtime. The assistants cannot help us with orders, drugs, and ill patients. ( I really don't think that they ladies crying for commodes and the man with chest pain would have appreciated being ditched at mealtime.)
4. We are to complete a nutritional care plan and audit. A "nutrition score" must be calculated for every patient over the age of 60.
5. Doctors will be told NOT to do rounds at mealtime. (They have never complied with this rule on any other occasion so why the hell would they start now?).
Management thinks that they have covered their assess with these 5 objectives. They can turn around and say "we have done this and that to help our nurses stay on top of malnutrition and be more efficient at mealtimes."
How completely dumbass is all of this?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Nursing Jobs New York Style
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean salary for a registered nurse nationally is $52,810. In New York, 72% of all registered nurses are earning more than $55,000 annually. The average salary for a registered nurse in New York is $64,000 as compared to the national average of $49,840. (all statistics from BLS). A licensed practical nurse can count on a salary in the $30,000-$45,000 range. New York is the single top market for nursing jobs across the country.
Read More
Shelf Exam Rules from the Physio Prof...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Nursing University in Indonesia
- Airlangga university (
- Indonesia university (
- Syah Kuala University (
- Andalas University (
- Padjajaran University (
- Gadjah Mada University (
- Diponegoro University (
- Udayana University (
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Friday, March 26, 2010
NCP - Nursing Care Plan for Appendicitis
Nursing Diagnosis
1. Pain associated with incision wounds to the abdomen mesial area post surgery
Pain decreased / lost with
Results Criteria
Rilek looked and can sleep properly.
- Review the location of the pain scale, characteristics and reported pain relief with appropriate changes.
- Maintain a break with a semi powler position.
- Encourage early ambulation.
- Give your entertainment activities.
- Kolborasi team of doctors in the provision of analgesics.
- Useful in the supervision and efficient drugs, the healing progress, changes and characteristics of pain.
- Eliminate stress increased abdominal supine position.
- Improve organ function.
- enhance relaxation.
- The relief of pain.
2. Activity intolerance associated with the limitation of motion secondary to pain
Activity tolerance
Results Criteria
-client can move without restriction
-are not careful in moving
- Note the emotional response to mobility.
- Provide activities in accordance with the client state.
- Give clients to exercise passive and active motion.
- Help clients in conducting activities that burdensome.
- Immobilisasi forced to increase anxiety.
- Increasing organ kormolitas as expected.
- Improving body mechanics.
- Avoiding things that can aggravate the situation.
Staff Nurse Jobs for Filipino Nurses
If you think you are qualified and interested to apply for the said staff nurse jobs for Filipino nurses, you can visit their website and fill up their online resume. Or, you can visit their office and fill up an application form. For more details on the qualifications and requirements, you can dial their landline numbers indicated below.
Emerald International Manpower Services Corp.
Rm. 303-304 Merchant Building
509 Padre Faura Street, Ermita
Tel. Nos.: 521-0222 / 521-6418 / 521-6209
Fax No.: 523-4938
Email: /
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nurse Staff Jobs Egypt
To start your application for the said nurse staff jobs Egypt, proceed to the office of the recruiting agency and fill up their application form and submit the following documents:
- Resume
- Diploma
- Transcript of Records
- Related Learning Experience (R.L.E.)
- Board Certificate
- PRC Card
- Board Rating
- Employment Certificate
- Seminars & Training Certificates
- Passport
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- 6 pcs. of 2x 2 pictures
Kirsten Recruitment, Inc.
99 Jasmin St. corner Scout Reyes
Roxas District, Quezon City
Fax: (632) 413-0211
Telephone No.: (632) 372-0270
Email Add:
After Tomorrow
Nursing Care Plan for Benign Postatic Hyperplasia
- Subjective data :
- The patient complained pain in the wound incision.
- The patient says can not have intercourse.
- Patients are always asking action taken.
- The patient said that urinating is not felt.
- Objective Data :
- There incision wound
- Tachycardia
- Restless
- Blood pressure increases
- Facial expressions of fear
- Installed catheter
Nursing Diagnosis
Disruption of comfort : pain associated with muscle spasm spincter
After 3-5 days of treatment for patients unable to maintain adequate degree of comfort.
Results Criteria
- The verbal pain patients say reduced or lost.
- Patients can rest.
Omani nursing students volunteer at local church
The students checked blood pressures, shared general cardiac health tips and follow up advice on any abnormal results. Their faculty, Joyce Willens, PhD, RN, assistant professor and a member of the church, taught CPR to the lay public gathered at the church, while the students offered the blood pressure screening. “They were very excited about the opportunity to serve the community and with the notion of seeing a different worship place,” says Dr. Willens. Villanova enjoys a 16-year relationship with Oman, providing BSN-completion, MSN, PhD and continuing education to its nurses and is enriched by having Omani students on its campus.
Dr. Dowdell to serve on American Nurses Foundation committee
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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Monday, March 22, 2010
So Where is Anne?
And working a lot. I was hoping that working double shifts would get me some extra cash but they are back to not paying overtime and we are getting extra time off instead. Which, of course, leaves the wards even more short staffed.
I had the fright of my life yesterday. Have to change details to protect confidentiality and all that.
I was on duty with one other RN and an an inexperienced auxilliary who did not know how to make a bed. For the whole floor.
One of my patients was having a procedure downstairs and the department demanded, DEMANDED that the patient get transported back to my ward with an RN escort. That means I had to go down there and bring him back. They are, of course, better staffed with less patients but for whatever reason the department staff always refuses to bring patients back. We went back and forth for some time. I told them that there was no way I could leave the ward to dick around down there waiting for porters and such. But I got sick of them ringing me constantly and accusing me of messing up their list thus delaying patient procedures in their department. I knew I wasn't going to win. I know they don't understand nor do they want to hear about the short staffing on the wards.
Against my better judgement I went. And I got stuck down there waiting for them to get it together and then waiting for the porter. I harassed them and reminded them that I really really needed to get back to the ward.
When I got upstairs I was wheeling this patient who immediately needed post procedure observations taken into his bay. I peered into the bay across from his to see a young patient of mine looking very funny. I ran to this person and it was obvious that this patient was in respiratory arrest. Was not breathing. Still had a pulse though. I dumped the post procedure patient (distressed that I was leaving him on a trolley in the middle of the bay--he didn't understand what was happening) and put the resus call out.
Holy shit. This person has a history and was probably in the throes of a seizure while I was getting dicked about by recovery who couldn't be bothered to bring the patient back to the ward. Following the fit, he stopped breathing. And a I suppose it was several minutes later that I saw him. I have no doubt if I had been on the ward, or if there was 1 RN per bay it would have been dealt with immediately. The auxilliary didn't even understand that the patient wasn't breathing.
We have more patients going for diagnostics and procedures every hour that require nurse escorts than we have nurses to escort them. The ward is almost always increasingly short staffed as a result. So basically if we have 2 nurses and 2 auxillaries on shifts we are often left with two staff on the ward because of escorting.
I really fucking hate the people I work for.
I went to this study day/ meeting where we had our (old fashioned trained not been on a ward in 30 years) leaders telling us to read the reports on Staffordshire and cry for the suffering that was dished out by our colleagues. They wanted suggestions about how to "improve" care and efficiency. They want more with less but patient care will not be harmed and we will not be a staffordshire. They told us over and over that 20 billion is getting cut out of the NHS budget and that the current system is unsustainable. They shut down and refused to discuss RN staffing when we mentioned it. The even chortled. Sadly, they don't understand that it is cost effective to have more RN's at the bedside.
Other head managers were at this thing saying things like "we are listening to our nurses". He shocked me when he said it. Then I saw a journo and a photographer from our local paper at the back of the room. As soon as the journos split so did the chiefs. But they had a nice little photo in the paper with a "We are listening to our Nurses" headline.
Um, guys...
Larger than life
When I jumped off the elevator on the third floor today, there was, staring me right in the face... a research poster (the Urology Dept. was obviously proud of this one) with a very large photo of something similar to what is shown below. Only the one on the wall at school had a (very) real penis in it. The poster was on Peyronie's Disease, which is a disorder of the fibrous tissue in the penis. Ok, fair enough. But really? A big penis picture as a welcome to the 3rd floor? I'm not normally a person who laughs when I hear the word "vagina" or snickers when the professor says "clitoris".... but this made me laugh. Good for a giggle and a double take.
Mammogram Advice a Health Threat
Since the news broke about the recommendation last month, our team of breast cancer specialists has been inundated by questions, concerns and comments from women.
Until 1990, the breast cancer death rate in the United States had remained unchanged for 50 years. With the introduction of screening mammography, there was an abrupt and sustained decrease in the breast cancer death rate by 30 percent over the past 20years. The new USPSTF guidelines threaten to reverse the significant progress that has been made over the past two decades.
The task force recommends against routine screening mammography for women ages 40-49. However, there is ample scientific evidence that women in their forties can expect an equivalent decrease in breast cancer mortality due to screening mammography as compared to women 50 and older. Population studies in Sweden have shown a 40 percent decrease in breast cancer mortality in women ages 40-49 who underwent screening.
The incidence of breast cancer rises steadily with age, but there is no dramatic increase at age 50. The probability of being diagnosed with breast cancer among women in their forties is 1.44 percent as compared with 2.63 percent among women in their fifties. Meanwhile it has been estimated that 40 percent of the years of life saved by screening can be attributed to women diagnosed under the age of 50.
The task force advises only those women in their forties who are at high risk to undergo screening. However, it should be emphasized that only 10 percent to 25 percent of breast cancers occur in women at high risk. The majority of breast cancers arise in women with no special risk factors.
Yearly screening may be especially important for younger women because they tend to have faster growing cancers. Lengthening the screening interval to two years will diminish the survival benefit for all women and ultimately contribute to more treatment related toxicity because more cancers will be diagnosed at a later stage.
Physical exam, whether practiced by a woman herself or her doctor, will always be complementary to any breast-imaging technique.
Women should remember to bring any changes to their doctor's attention regardless of how soon after a negative mammogram they occur. We can each cite many personal instances where a woman's self exam led her to a doctor for follow up, sometimes with life-saving consequences.
In conclusion, the breast specialists at the Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment at St. Joseph Hospital do not support the revised screening mammography guidelines recently issued by the Task Force and strongly urge women 40 and older to continue annual screening mammography. Better yet, talk to your own doctor about your risk factors and make a decision together about your breast health. It could save your life.
This is your brain on physio...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Oh. My. God. I knew it!
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Out of Curiosity...
Putting the "H" in
Friday, March 19, 2010
Nurse Anesthetist faculty to serve on State Board of Nursing
Wildgust has over 30 years experience in teaching nurse anesthesia students and the administration of anesthesia programs. She started her career as a program director 1979 when she began the first nurse anesthesia program at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Camden, N.J. Her commitment to the profession of nurse anesthesia and to the advancement of educational standards that further the art and science of anesthesiology and result in better patient care has been recognized with the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists (PANA) Didactic Instructor of the Year Award and the PANA Program Director of the Year Award.
The State Board of Nursing, based in Harrisburg, establishes rules and regulations for the licensure and practice of professional and practical nursing in the Commonwealth and provides for the examination of all applicants. The College of Nursing is approved by the State Board of Nursing of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Question for the Masses
Is it possible to love a future not-yet met nor owned dog as much as you love your first and beloved dog? Or will I never love again? Can you tell I miss my dog more than life?
Stepping Up My Game
Top 10 Reasons to Attend Lobby Day
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My New Superhero...
Research Abstract and Commentary: Aromatherapy Massage
Wilkinson SM, Love SB, Westcombe AM, Gambles MA, Burgess CC, Cargill A, Young T, Maher EJ, Ramirez AJ. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, 532-538.
PURPOSE: To test the effectiveness of supplementing usual supportive care with aromatherapy massage in the management of anxiety and depression in cancer patients through a pragmatic two-arm randomized controlled trial in four United Kingdom cancer centers and a hospice.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 288 cancer patients, referred to complementary therapy services with clinical anxiety and/or depression, were allocated randomly to a course of aromatherapy massage or usual supportive care alone.
RESULTS: Patients who received aromatherapy massage had no significant improvement in clinical anxiety and/or depression compared with those receiving usual care at 10 weeks postrandomization (odds ratio [OR], 1.3; 95% CI, 0.9 to 1.7; P = .1), but did at 6 weeks postrandomization (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.9; P = .01). Patients receiving aromatherapy massage also described greater improvement in self-reported anxiety at both 6 and 10 weeks postrandomization (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 0.2 to 6.7; P = .04 and OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 0.2 to 6.6; P = .04), respectively.
CONCLUSION: Aromatherapy massage does not appear to confer benefit on cancer patients' anxiety and/or depression in the long-term, but is associated with clinically important benefit up to 2 weeks after the intervention.
Commentary by Dana N. Rutledge, RN, PhD, Nursing Research Facilitator
This randomized controlled trial contributes to the body of evidence about the effectiveness of complementary therapies in cancer, specifically the use of aromatherapy massage (AM). There have been complaints that the “evidence” about complementary therapies is weak or nonexistent. This gives little credence to providers who wish to use these therapies. This study gives strong evidence that in the short-term (two weeks after AM was completed) cancer patients who received AM had less anxiety than patients who did not receive AM. They did not have less depression or other symptoms (e.g., pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, global quality of life).
The study intervention was massage with essential oils delivered by massage therapists over 1 hour weekly for 4 weeks. Patients in the treatment group received at least one treatment. Patients in the control group received access to psychological support as part of their cancer care. Patients recruited to the study had been referred to complementary therapy services by a cancer health professional.
Of interest to hospital nurses is that in a pilot study of 57 patients receiving AM, patients showed significantly decreased average anxiety levels immediately after the treatment. This endpoint was not of interest to the researchers, but would be to hospital nurses. This means that immediately following a 1-hour massage with essential oils, patients had less anxiety – on average. No adverse effects from the AM were reported.
Cadaver what?
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Looking forward to work with you.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Midwifery Advocates Protest Seemingly Illogical Hospital Decision
Monday, March 15, 2010
A good day...
Just An Observation
I am once again working in a mother/baby unit for the first time since nursing school. The hospital I work in has the same or similar demographics to the one I worked in in nursing school. But now married mothers seem to be the exception and not the rule. For that matter, mothers with a significant other who even shows up for a baby's birth are not as common as I would have thought. I am startled at the number of teenage girls having babies. Babies having babies.
Is this an irreversible trend? Does anyone besides me even think this trend should be reversed?
Dr. Barbara Ott in Haiti
Transforming horror into hope in Haiti
In late February, the associate professor at Villanova University College of Nursing joined about a dozen other health care professionals, including nurses, orthopedic surgeons, and nurse anesthetists, for the 10-day effort in Fond Parisien, just outside the capital Port-au-Prince where the January 12th catastrophic earthquake occurred. Some team members moved in and out so the number varied over time. Staff ate beans and rice twice a day, slept in tents and worked long hours in a physically demanding environment. Not trusting the safety of the buildings on the property of an orphanage and school, her team set up its operations in a small tent city next to a refugee camp run by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. It is a place where the “walking wounded”—people of all ages with recent amputations—are the new norm. Challenged by the scarcity of crutches, they are either immobile or lucky to find help.
Moving outside of its usual pediatric facial deformity repair surgery, the Operation Smile team handled at least 60 adult and pediatric orthopedic cases, including amputation revisions (removing more of an affected limb due to tissue death or infection), rod placement to stabilize bones, and removal of external fixation devices in bones that healed. The two operating rooms were sterile environments in tents. The triage and post-operative recovery areas were not, with 130 degree temperatures, dirt floors and an invasive, persistent layer of dust that settled over skin, sterile packaging and other equipment. Yet, the nurses provided high quality care, somehow managing to have zero infections at pin sites (pins are the small metal pieces inserted through the skin to keep a healing bone in place)—a fact duly noted by the naval commander of the USNS Comfort hospital ship that transported patients to and from the Operation Smile makeshift hospital.
Each pair of nurses shared a translator who spoke the native Kreyol. Among the 259 patients, Dr. Ott saw severe wounds, recalling one woman whose wound occurred when she was pulled out of a building, causing her skin and muscle to shear off her foot, exposing bone. Her options were to “become septic and die or to be a 79 year old amputee in Haiti,” notes Dr. Ott. The patients lived two in each tent, along with their family caregivers. There were also 47 unaccompanied minors who had lost their parents in the destructive force of 7.0 magnitude earthquake.
Despite the tragedy, Dr. Ott explains the future-oriented Haitians, “I was very taken with their attitude. I didn’t expect that. They were anticipating a better time in the near future.” How does she summarize her nursing experience in Haiti? “It was amazing work,” explains Dr. Ott, “We were dirty and tired but felt we were doing something important.”
Saturday, March 13, 2010
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Friday, March 12, 2010
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cultural Incompetency
A Midwife’s Take on the NIH VBAC Consensus Conference
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
To the Folks at UMass Med School Dept of Medicine....
A Crazy Idea?
Will the NIH Panelists read the blogs and Twitter feeds? And should they?
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Monday, March 8, 2010
Not adding up
Sunday, March 7, 2010
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Saudi Arabia is a monarchy in southwestern Asia, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula
Saudi Arabia is a land of vast deserts and little rainfall. Huge deposits of oil and natural gas lie beneath the country’s surface. Saudi Arabia was a relatively poor nation before the discovery and exploitation of oil, but since the 1950s income from oil has made the country wealthy. The religion of Islam developed in the 7th century in what is now Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, and it has been ruled by his descendants ever since.
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Saturday, March 6, 2010
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