Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cadaver what?

Cadaver memorial. That's what I attended yesterday. A little memorial for the families of those who donated their bodies to anatomy lab... and an annual event at my school. However, this year it was sans families... because none of them showed up. But alas, it was nice to say a prayer and have a little commemorative ceremony.... even though (gasp) I hate funerals and memorials and refuse to go under normal circumstances. I don't even go to my family memorials. I only went to this one on accident because I was under the impression that it was mandatory. Damn.

Anyway, the point of why I am telling you this is because some of my classmates wrote reflections about their anatomy experience that they read during the service. And every one (save for one, maybe), was a story (albeit lovely) about how they were uncomfortable in the beginning yet came to peace with chopping up an already dead person over the course of 14 weeks. Really???? How about it sucked more and more every day, directly proportional to the increasing stench of the body and decreasing ability of my sanity and rational thinking to overcome stress and panic? I can't believe it. How come no one stood up there and said (in an ever so tactful way) how horrible it was?

Do I have to do EVERYTHING????? Just a joke, classmates. I think you did a lovely job. And be glad I'm not in charge of med school, or we'd start making the Whoopies and the Jane Fondas look conservative and proper.

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