Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So last night around 10 pm my stomach started hurting. RUQ, just right of center, shallow and under my rib cage. A couple weeks ago I had the same pain, but it was less intense and I dismissed it as a strained muscle or gas, whatever.

But last night hurt. A lot. So of course I was thinking gallbladder. But although it was painful, I expected gallbladder pain to be much worse. I thought about going to the ER, but I would wayyy rather be miserable in my own bed than miserable in an ER waiting room... so I meditated my way back to sleep (see? the course came in handy after all!). By 4 am the pain woke me up, and I was COLD. So I took a hot bath and tried to fall back asleep. I woke up at 9 and headed to the hospital for bloodwork and an ultrasound.

After my ultrasound, the following conversation took place:

Me: So did you see anything blatantly abnormal?

U.S. tech: You have to discuss that with your doctor.

Me: Hmmm. That doesn't sound good (laughing)

U.S. Tech: silence and a stare

Me: O-kaaaayyyy, then

U.S. Tech: I can tell you if it was really really bad I wouldn't let you leave right now

Me: (silently) What the EFF does that mean???

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