Wednesday, April 6, 2011

8 Tips to get regular exercise

Can not be denied that most of us can not enjoy a fitness or exercise. Also a truth that every person in this world to benefit from the fitness and proper nutrition program. Here are 8 tips to get your exercise routine starting today.

1. Create a Realistic goal and Real. Example, "I want to reduce 10 kg up to the date of August 1, 2011".

2. Measure your progress, measure any increase and do it regularly.

3. Do not be lazy to make the data every time you exercise. To determine the extent of progress that you have gained.

4. Get plenty of rest. Sleep for 7 to 9 hours each night. Similarly, your muscles rest by not doing the exercise for up to 2 days per week.

5. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before you perform core exercises.

6. Perform cooling the whole body. This will help increase flexibility and reduce muscle pain the next day.

7. Nutrition is an important part in your program, with decent food consumption as a proportion of your exercise routine.

8. If you are not allowed to go to the training center, a good idea to buy hoist fitness. So it does not disturb your occupation. You can practice whenever you want.

Good luck!

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