Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why do Nurses always look like hell?

It's true. We look like slobs.

First problem is the uniforms. Right now I have only one that fits. I am not allowed to have anymore from the trust due to financial cutbacks. I am not allowed to buy my own uniforms outside of the trust. I sometimes leave work at 10PM at night and have to be back at 7AM the next day. I am a clean freak so that means that everytime I come home from work I wash the uniform and put it in the drier before I go to bed. I do this even if I left at 10PM and have to be back at 7AM the next day.

I get up at 5AM to get ready for my early shift and take the uniform out of the drier and iron it. Then it goes in a carrier bag and sits by the door while I get dressed. The uniform has been worn and washed so many times it looks like hell no matter what I do. If you get caught traveling to and from work in your uniform you are instantly dismissed. They have already made a few examples.

We are told that we need to change at work or else but there are no changing facilities. I think the other section of the hospital has them but we were not allowed to use them. There are portacabins outside (a 20 minute walk away)full of mice and we were told to use those but no one has given us a code to get into them.

Staff on my ward have to change in the domestics cupboard just outside the doors to the ward. It is very small and usually there are 2 of us in there getting changed. When someone else comes in and opens the door....anyone in the foyer can see us. This especially sucks during the 1PM start when countless visitors are standing around in that foyer.

Some of us started sneaking to the toilets to change but they were caught and told that this is unacceptable and to use the supply cupboard or the mice-a-cabin as I call it. The trust will NOT launder or store our uniforms, or give out new ones at this point. Other trusts do it, and they provide decent facilities for their staff as well.

So my worn out uniform has been carried to work in a sainsbury's bag and I have changed into while trying not to fall into an old cleaning bucket. My normal clothes get stored in the sainsbury's bag on the floor of the cleaning cupboard. There are 5 tiny lockers for everyone.

I am still meticulous about my appearance otherwise. I plait my long hair and wind it up in a coil for work. I pin every stray piece in place. I always shower before and after every shift. My nails are short and they get scrubbed and clipped again before work. I wear minimal natural make up so I don't scare the patients. I wear expensive shoes to work. They are very smart and comfortable. I'm a vain little shit.

10 hours into my shift without any sort of break the other day I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and nearly choked. Strands of hair all over the place, dry chapped peeling lips, bags under my eyes, stains on my face from crying after a death and a uniform that looks like it has seen heavy duty daily use since 1950.

This is actually very demoralizing because I am usually a snob about appearance and like to look good. I stay healthy and fit and take care of myself. I like expensive make up and beauty products and never wear the same outfit twice. I always take loads of time before work to try and look reasonable even if it means getting up at 5AM.

But that brief glimpse in the mirror showed me that during a long shift I look like the slovenly pig nurse that the public always complaints about.

If I could get a break during a shift I would redo my hair, apply some powder and lipgloss and clean my self up. Care assistants, secretaries, domestics and everyone else get time during the day to do this. I cannot even go pee without getting behind and making my patients angrier. Those of you who can take time during the work day for a makeup and hair check make me sick.

When I worked overseas the nurses bought their own uniforms from nursing stores. I never wore the same outfit to work twice. Like I said I am vain and can spend some serious money on clothes. I looked so much better. The uniforms I chose for myself were nicer with good labels and they were better quality and more professional than the shit the NHS gives us. I even bought uniforms made from bacterial resistant fabrics.

Older nurses that haven't worked in awhile may find this shocking as they were always supplied with fresh smart and clean uniforms every shift. They are also the ones who bitch the most about the appearance of todays nurses.

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