Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Question for the Doctors.

You say that you have no problems with ward nurses and that you understand that they are in an impossible situation.  You say that the ward nurses who do real nursing have your respect and that it is the noctors that you hold in contempt. 

So why is it that the consultants only ever yell, scream at and abuse the ward nurses over lapses in care? 

Anyone overhearing your rants would think that it is the ward nurses who believe that they are above basic care .  Or they would be given the impression that the ward nurses don't want to be bothered staying on top of nutrition and hydration. 

You know that it is impossible for them to stay on top of it for all of those people. You know that they only have untrained carers to help and that is why fluid balace charts, weights, and observations are not getting done properly.  You know the nurse can't leave the carers on the ward while she  attends ward rounds because that will lead to even more fuck ups and blunders that will cause the nurse to get a smack down. You know that the ward nurses are getting denied training to keep their skills up and are interrupted so frequently that they cannot even see their patients or read the charts.

If you want to let nursing profession have it, why not go for the throats of the noctors, the nurse managers, and the matrons who have not only accepted cuts in nurse staffing on the wards, but look the other way and refuse to go down there and give a hand?  Why soley go for the staff nurses?

Explain it to me.

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