Thursday, December 31, 2009

Believe it or Not

I wouldn't have guessed this about 2 weeks ago... but I'm actually looking forward to going back to school. I just got back from a super-speedy trip to Japan (which was awesome!) but now I'm done relaxing.

I had a crazy dream last night. But first let me preface it with this. I have always had terrible dreams. Lots of them. Nightmares you wouldn't ever want to even think about. Years ago I trained myself to recognize when I was dreaming... so when these horrible nightmares come around, I just say to myself... well, Ella,... relax... this is just a dream. Bad part is, even when I have good dreams I ruin them by telling myself it's probably a dream.

So.... to make a short story very very long... last night I dreamed I was in medical school. After years of wanting to go... daydreaming about my white coat and working in the ER and intubations and studying pharmacology...I was finally there. But in my dream I kept telling myself "Ella, this is so good its just a dream. Don't get excited."

Of course you know the rest of the story. I woke up. And realized it was true!!! I get to go back to medical school!!!!

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