Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 Foods That Increase Memory

You already know about 10 great meals that can stimulate the human memory? For those of you who already know it must have felt himself, like what are the benefits, but for you who do not know yet discouraged because in this paper, I will distribute to the 10 types of foods that can stimulate the brain to work better, easier way to create a memory & more intelligent .
The ten types of foods that include :
  1. Fish
    The first is freshwater fish, especially fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines.
    Basically the fish contains a lot of nutritional content, such as lecithin (choline), phenylalanine, ribonucleic acid, DMAE, tyrosine, vitamin B6, niacin or B3, copper, protein, zinc, omega-3 fatty acid (DHA) and vitamin B12.

  2. Egg
    It was no doubt a nutritious eggs contain content such as phenylalanine, lecithin (choline), vitamin E, vitamin B6.

  3. Chicken
    Chicken contains phenylalanine, vitamin B6, niacin or B3 & protein.

  4. Banana
    Banana is a fruit that contains tyrosine, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6.

  5. Low Fat Milk Products
    These foods contain phenylalanine, tyrosine, slutamin, protein, ALC & vitamin B12.

  6. Avocado
    This fruit contains a tyrosine & magnesium.

  7. Soybean
    Containing soy lecithin (choline), glutamic acid, phenylalanine, vitamin E, iron, zinc, protein, vitami B6.

  8. Beef Without Fat
    Containing phenylalanine, lecithin (choline, glutamic acid, an iron, zinc)

  9. Chicken Liver
    Containing vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, protein, iron & tyrosine.

  10. Gandum
    Grain lots containing lecithin (choline), glutanik acid, vitamin B6, B1 and E and magnesium.

Thus the ten foods that can improve the performance of the human brain. If we are diligent in taking it so our body butter to be healthy, safe and sound also we will have a brilliant brain.

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