Thursday, January 27, 2011

Impaired Physical Mobility | Nursing Care Plan for Disc Surgery

Nursing diagnosis: impaired physical Mobility related to neuromuscular impairment, limitations imposed by condition; pain

Possibly evidenced by
Impaired coordination, limited ROM
Reluctance to attempt movement
Decreased muscle strength and control

Desired Outcomes/Evaluation Criteria—Client Will
Knowledge: Personal Safety
Demonstrate techniques or behaviors that enable resumption of activities.
Maintain or increase strength and function of affected body part.

Nursing intervention with rationale
1. Schedule activity or procedures with rest periods. Encourage participation in ADLs within individual limitations.
Rationale: Activity and rest enhance healing and build muscle strength and endurance. Client participation promotes sense of independence and control.

2. Provide or assist with passive and active ROM and strengthening exercises, depending on surgical procedure.
Rationale: Strengthen abdominal muscles and flexors of spine and promote good body mechanics.

3. Assist with activity or progressive ambulation.
Rationale: Until healing occurs, activity is limited and advanced slowly according to individual tolerance.

4. Review proper body mechanics or techniques for participation in activities.
Rationale: Proper body mechanics reduces the risk of muscle strain, injury, or pain. It also increases client participation and motivation in progressive activity.

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