Monday, February 21, 2011

The Faculty of Nursing at UI

The Faculty of Nursing at UI (FIK UI) started with the establishment of The Nursing Science Program as a part of UI Faculty of Medicine. The program was established due to the increasing demands for professional nursing services and the policy on the development of health workers in Indonesia as mentioned in The National Health System (SKN).
It is hoped that a higher educational background will provide students with a learning experience to develop the much-needed skills to become a professional nurse.

The establishment of The Nursing Science Program (PSIK) is the result of the cooperation between the Department of Education and Culture and related institutions. In January 1983, after conducting the National Conference on Nursing, the Department of Education and Culture along with other related institution released a recommendation to develop a higher education level for nurses.
The Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Education and Culture, appointed UI Faculty of Medicine (FK UI) through the SK Dirjen DIKTI decree number 339 / D2 and SK Dirjen DIKTI decree number 07/DIKTI/Kep/1986 to conduct higher education for nurses. This was the first undergraduate program for nursing in Indonesia.

PSIK started in August 1985 by opening two undergraduate programs: The A Program, which accepts high school graduates, and the B Program, which accepts those with a three-year college degree (D3) in Nursing (AkPer) ..
To widen the opportunity for working-nurses to attend the program, during the 1995 academic year a B Extension Program was launch. The classes for this program were conducted in the evening to accommodate the working-nurses. of the period of study for the A Program is 9 semesters, while the B program is 5 semesters. Graduates from both programs will receive an S.Kp degree and will be equipped with the skills of a professional nurse.
In line with The Minister of Education and Culture decree number 0332/ O/ 1995 on November 15, 1995, the Nursing Science Program Study (PSIK) was officially renamed as The Faculty of Nursing Sciences (FIK UI).

In 1998, FIK UI applied The Ners Curriculum., which had two levels of learning program: the academic and the profession program. A graduate from the academic program is a Nursing Graduate (Sarjana Keperawatan) with an S.Kep. degree while a graduate from the profession program is a Ners (Professional Nurse). The A Program in the year 2000 was renamed The Regular Program and the B Program became the Extension Program which were conducted both during the day and the evening.

Since October 2000, basic science and basic nursing science classes have been conducted at the UI campus in Depok. More over since July 2003 FIK UI has improved the facilities by constructing another building.

Since 1996, FIK UI is divided to four departments: 1) Basic Nursing, 2) Medical Surgery Nursing, 3) Maternity and Child Nursing, 4) Mental and Maternity Nursing. In 2004 when UI became a State Owned Institution (BHMN), FIK UI was expanded to six departments based on the group of science:

  1. Basic Nursing Group,
  2. Science of Medical Surgery Group,
  3. Science of Maternity Nursing Group,
  4. Science of Children Nursing Group,
  5. Science of Mental Nursing Group,
  6. Science of Community Nursing Group.
To accommodate the complexity of an excellent nursing service, FIK UI expands its programs by opening the graduate program. The first Master Program in Nursing Science with a specialization in Nursing Leadership and Management was started in February 1999 and a specialized program in Maternity Nursing and Community Nursing was opened in 2003. In 2005 the specialized programs in Medical Surgery Nursing and Mental Nursing were added.

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