Tuesday, March 15, 2011

don't hire smokers

I never have smoked. I really can't stand smoking or smokers really. It is all gross. I don't want to have to deal with breathing in your cigarette smoke. Honestly I think smokers are losers.

So now a Michigan hospital has decided not to hire smokers. Yeah for them. Smokers stink even if they smoke outside, they carry it inside with them. They stand outside the hospital looking like fools in below zero weather. Makes the hospital look bad. They take a lot of breaks. I have lost two coworkers to cancer in the last few years. Both were heavy smokers.

Two things irritate me about smokers. Now that they have been banned inside buildings, they stand outside, and you have to walk through a cloud of smoke to exit buildings. If you want to sit outside and eat at a restaurant, they take up the tables and make everybody miserable. I'm tired of looking at groups of these losers standing outside buildings.
Lets face it, if you are a smoker, you are becoming a leper. Smokers are addicts like any other addict. The difference is they are legal addicts. THey should have no rights. Their habit affects others. Secondary smoke kills other people. They should be viewed no differently than a crack or heroin addict.

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