Did he tell all his men one day," from today you are all going to do this half arsed salute and walk like foolish geese"? How did they feel about that I wonder? And secondly, why do the Filipinos have this really stupid habit of opening their mouths wide showing all their dental work, or lack of , in response to a question.? Did an elder tribesman hundreds of years ago say, "henceforth all persons shall open their mouths as wide as possible any time someone asks a question. Do not answer the question, just stand there looking stupid catching flies"? And lastly, where does this irritating practice of broadcasting all church services through ROOF mounted speakers come from. What makes the Pinoy think EVERYONE wants to hear, where does this practice come from? what did they do before amplifiers.? A Sign on a large Filipino church says," you are now in the temple of the Lord, please observe silence." Each service is broadcast at full volume through speakers even though there is a HOSPITAL next door. Notice in that hospital," please observe silence." Each day a mass is held in the ward corridors using an amplifier. Is it me or are some people really stupid and non-caring?
Alex beat me to it. The Roman salute was same, and much of what you see on Germany, WW2, Hitler, seems to have derived from Ancient Rome, including the Eagle on the standard. Plus Mussolini may well have instigated the ridiculous goosestep, would be interested to know if it actually goes back long before. The goose-step is a special form of military step which is usually demonstrated in solemn military parades and passes in review of closed units. The marching troops swing their legs from a vertical leg to a nearly horizontally-extending one, bringing it down with a loud simultaneous stepping noise and continuing the cycle in unison. It emerged from Prussian drilling regulation during the early 19th Century, where it was known as Stechschritt (literally, '"piercing step") and Can't help with last bit of question. Spicey only the goosestepping bit, after all you didn't know either, but the other stuff i did
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I'm in a sad sad sad situation?
well,..i spent some time with my ex-boyfriend on saturday..*sighs* well he just up & left me last year without warning& moved in with his wife& kid in las vegas(they were separated for the 5 years we were together)..well, it was very hard for me..well I didn't know how to act around him i was very nervous and didn't know how to act like myself..he stepped outside twisce while i was with him this weekend to call his wife and that just made me feel really bad.You must know that i was with him for 5 years, he was still technically married but they lived in separate states and he never wore his wedding ring. Now with all that has happend i still had this glimmer of hope, until this Saturday. I still love him soo much and now i feel horrible in side..kind of like empty and what the hell is wrong with me..what am i to him..why did he want to see me? Obviously the wife is #1 and im...what...what am I to him? i want to ask him but i'm afraid that it's going to cause un-easiness for both of us..HE TOLD ME IF I COULD WAIT HE KNOWS WE HAVE A FUTURE..if he loved his wife would he have seen me,would he have said what he said to me.. i can't help but wonder, he says he doesn't, but i don't know if he's just saying that cuz he doesn't want to hurt me? i don't know..i really don't know..i feel,,i don't know how i feel but whatever it is i feel weird...he also told me to let him know when i need help with anything..like i need some dental work done and he wants to pay for it..comments like that make me wonder, and i have hope that he still wants to be with me that he's just with her for the kid but ..i don't know what do you think?do you think he still cares for me?...i don't know how i feel..
he may care for u, but he wants to be with her and his kids.this is why one should never date a married man.he can change his mind at any time.even though my first husband cheated on me and i divorced him and he remarried,we would still see one another from time to time. when u have children together theres allot more there then meets the eye.he has asked u to wait because he really doesn't know how its going to go with her, so he is keeping u on the back burner just in case he has problems with her.
he may care for u, but he wants to be with her and his kids.this is why one should never date a married man.he can change his mind at any time.even though my first husband cheated on me and i divorced him and he remarried,we would still see one another from time to time. when u have children together theres allot more there then meets the eye.he has asked u to wait because he really doesn't know how its going to go with her, so he is keeping u on the back burner just in case he has problems with her.
booty call?
I am 20, go to college have a career plan of being a dental hygienist, For the past year and a half i have been going over to a 28 year olds house, i just think he is so sweet and cute but he never attended college and does construction not the guy i ever pictured myself with, well i have becomed attached to him. We both don't want relationships b/c of the age difference. But i want to know if he even cares about me. I go over atleast twice a week and stay the night, i know for a fact he does not sleep with other girls, he texts me and says "hey beautiful", and tells me he misses me when i am gone. I need a guys opinion on this is he into me but know's he can't have me or am i just a botty call
if its not broken dont try and fix it...the compliments say that he is into you..an the fact ..that you both seem comfortable getting together 2times aweek,..says that your both into whats happening with one another..also the fact that you are sure hes saving ..the good stuff for you on your nites ..says a lot too..perhaps with your busy work schedules and yyour lives in general this is the best scenario for you both right now..if he is respectfullnon abusive ..comfortable to be around..and the sex is hot as it seems to be or you wouldnt be making a bee linen there twicea week..again and again..keep it going..sometimes simple is the best...dont overthink it..if its working..and its not bothering either one of you mentally or emotionally...i ahd asituation like that ..and it ws very beneficial for u sboth...sometimes the full tiome relationships can be more taxing than the part time ones!!..good luck!!
if its not broken dont try and fix it...the compliments say that he is into you..an the fact ..that you both seem comfortable getting together 2times aweek,..says that your both into whats happening with one another..also the fact that you are sure hes saving ..the good stuff for you on your nites ..says a lot too..perhaps with your busy work schedules and yyour lives in general this is the best scenario for you both right now..if he is respectfullnon abusive ..comfortable to be around..and the sex is hot as it seems to be or you wouldnt be making a bee linen there twicea week..again and again..keep it going..sometimes simple is the best...dont overthink it..if its working..and its not bothering either one of you mentally or emotionally...i ahd asituation like that ..and it ws very beneficial for u sboth...sometimes the full tiome relationships can be more taxing than the part time ones!!..good luck!!
tornado hits ER and they keep working
Think your ER is ready for a disaster? Read this story of an ER in Joplin, Missouri which was not only hit by the tornado but continued to do their work afterwards even though the ER had been pretty much destroyed. It is writtent by one of the ER docs who worked there.
Joplin doctor details tornado aftermath
The hospital is now working out of a huge tent (similar to what the military would use) with trailers housing MRI and CT equipment. They have a 60 patient capacity. I guess the hospital was a total loss.
By the way I saw this story on a link from White Coats blog.
Joplin doctor details tornado aftermath
The hospital is now working out of a huge tent (similar to what the military would use) with trailers housing MRI and CT equipment. They have a 60 patient capacity. I guess the hospital was a total loss.
By the way I saw this story on a link from White Coats blog.
Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live TBA (09x85) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 12:05 am on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson David Beckham, Shohreh Aghdashloo (07x100) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 12:35 am on CBS. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Chelsea Lately Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Ross Mathews, Loni Love, Jeff Wild (05x82) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 11:00 pm on E!. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch The Electric Barbarellas Gynger (01x05)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 11:00 pm on MTV. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch The Colbert Report Robert Kennedy Jr. (07x70) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 11:30 pm on Comedy Central. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch The Daily Show Bill Moyers (16x70) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 11:00 pm on Comedy Central. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Hollywood Treasure Endoskeletons In The Closet (01x14) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:30 pm on Syfy. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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I have genital herpes, if people say i have to use a condom everytime i have sex even when i have no symptoms.?
Then shouldn't people with cold sores kiss others with a dental dam even when they have no symptoms? Im finding it hard to understand why genital herpes is so stigmatized? but oral herpes is just cold sore no one cares about?
Well, both types of herpes are actually caused by different viruses: genital herpes is caused by Herpes simplex 2 (HSV2) whereas oral herpes is caused by Herpes simplex 1 (HSV1). However, BOTH viruses can cause symptoms in BOTH places. It turns out that the virus that causes oral herpes (HSV1) is more often asymptomatic (produces no symptoms) than HSV2. So in other words, people may be under the impression that oral herpes is actually less "severe" than genital herpes simply because it lies dormant (produces no symptoms) in the body more often than genital herpes. The bottom line is that you're right, both viruses will be with you for your entire life when you contract them but people with genital herpes get the bad wrap. And again I think that's because most people probably see oral herpes as "less sever" than genital herpes
Well, both types of herpes are actually caused by different viruses: genital herpes is caused by Herpes simplex 2 (HSV2) whereas oral herpes is caused by Herpes simplex 1 (HSV1). However, BOTH viruses can cause symptoms in BOTH places. It turns out that the virus that causes oral herpes (HSV1) is more often asymptomatic (produces no symptoms) than HSV2. So in other words, people may be under the impression that oral herpes is actually less "severe" than genital herpes simply because it lies dormant (produces no symptoms) in the body more often than genital herpes. The bottom line is that you're right, both viruses will be with you for your entire life when you contract them but people with genital herpes get the bad wrap. And again I think that's because most people probably see oral herpes as "less sever" than genital herpes
Watch The World According to Paris Breaking and Entering (01x01) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Oxygen. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Deception with Keith Barry Used Car Salesman (01x03)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Discovery. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Workaholics Muscle I'd Like to Flex (01x09) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:30 pm on Comedy Central. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Hollywood Treasure Packrats, Robots And Oz (01x13) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Syfy. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Top Chef: Masters Blinded Me With Science (03x08) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Bravo. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch Pawn Star$ Civil War Edition (03x56) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on History. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Tyler Perry's House of Payne Mother's Day Out (07x18)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on TBS. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Desperate Landscapes A Hot Mess (08x03) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on DIY. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Men of a Certain Age The Great Escape (02x07) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on TNT. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch The Real World Leaving Las Vegas (25x13) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on MTV. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch South Park Season 15, Episode 6 (15x06) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Comedy Central. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Property Brothers Lise & Andrew (01x07) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:30 pm on HGTV. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Man v. Food Nation Tampa Bay (01x03) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:30 pm on Travel. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Clean House The Boulos Family (10x11) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 pm on Style. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Extreme Couponing Kelly & Rebecca (01x10) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:30 pm on TLC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch 10 Grand In Your Hand Life Is A Beach (04x07) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:30 pm on DIY. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Man v. Food Nation New Haven (01x02) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Travel. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Income Property The Final Push (04x09) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on HGTV. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Haunted Collector Haunted Bayou / Library Ghost (01x01) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Syfy. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Postal worker opened my mail???
I went to my mailbox last night and when i got home i went through my mail and realized that one of the envelopes that had my dental insurance cards had been opened? i dont know if anything else was suppose to be in the envelope, but the only thing that was there was my cards. which has my name, and my husbands name, my address and last 4 of my SS# on it. i'm not really sure what to do in this situation, and if the post office will take me seriously. i had a bad experience in the previous state i lived in where my mail was "lost" to my forwarding address, and a couple months later someone open a credit card using my account #. i filed a bunch of complaints with that postal office but never felt like they cared. has this happened to anyone else?
i haven't filed any complaints as of yet, but i've had some issues recently with them. what used to take 1 week to get/send takes 2 weeks+ now. priority take 5 business days to get here, it used to take 2. the slower times started in the beginning of december, that was fine for xmas, but this is the end of freaking march already. my mail (and packages) keep getting sent to someone else's address... that doesnt even look similar besides the road starts with a b. and just a couple weeks ago i've had two credit card application junk mails come out of the mail truck, already open. i've called the p.o. about the mail times taking twice/three times as long, and their answer was, "we have no reason to hold mail. we don't hold your mail, sorry. it comes in and goes straight to your house. we don't hold. click*" so i know where you're coming from.
i haven't filed any complaints as of yet, but i've had some issues recently with them. what used to take 1 week to get/send takes 2 weeks+ now. priority take 5 business days to get here, it used to take 2. the slower times started in the beginning of december, that was fine for xmas, but this is the end of freaking march already. my mail (and packages) keep getting sent to someone else's address... that doesnt even look similar besides the road starts with a b. and just a couple weeks ago i've had two credit card application junk mails come out of the mail truck, already open. i've called the p.o. about the mail times taking twice/three times as long, and their answer was, "we have no reason to hold mail. we don't hold your mail, sorry. it comes in and goes straight to your house. we don't hold. click*" so i know where you're coming from.
Watch Piers Morgan Tonight Episode 98 (01x98) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on CNN. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Inside Nascar 14 2011 (02x14) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Showtime. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Franklin And Bash Pilot (01x01) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on TNT. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Great Performances at the Met Nixon in China (05x02) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on PBS. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch American Pickers Civil War Pickings (03x05) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on History. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch Sweat Equity Repair & Replace (04x07) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on DIY. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Money for Dentist how...? 10 points..?
Well..I only got health insurance with my parents I still go to school i'm a junior and to tell you the truth I didn't go to the dentist ever since I was in germany when I was little..now Its passed about 11-12 years and I started caring for my teeth got all serious about them ever since some started getting cavities.. I have maybe around 9 cavities..and getting the money is hard my parents already work hard trying to pay off this house that costs over 200k and I don't have a job since im still going to school. All my cavities are all in the box some on the bottom and some on the top.. and now my front bottom teeth 2 of them started being sharp on the bottom kind of last time i was eating cereal it happened.. I just cant figure out a way to get the money since my parents don't find dental insurance good.. I was wondering how much it would cost to fill in all the cavities...all 9... and how could I acquire that kind of money..I'm just scared of getting heart disease im athletic and all that. I can maybe acquire only 1,100 or so around there within the next month if i sell a macbook 13 inch that i get.. any help please..? its just hard to leave with the cavities i can deal eating but i don't want my teeth to be gone..
dental schools can help...or find a job and pay for your own.
dental schools can help...or find a job and pay for your own.
(Oregon) Compared checks with co-worker, and i get taxed way more, we both claimed 0?
I compared checks with a co-worker, i know your no supposed to or whatever but who cares. working 80 hours, a biweekly check of 720 before taxes is what we both make, his comes out to 612 after 17(dental) that i dont have. my check comes to 584-586 (no deductions besides tax). We both claimed 0, he owns a mobile home and i rent, i dont know if i should call the IRS or if i should call my payroll dept. My total deductions were 135, his was 91, please if anybody has any idea why im getting taxed so much more please let me know. The YTD for my federal / state are Federal 618.27 state 632.98 his YTD for both are federal 308.01 state 545.95 im not sure if i mixed those two up, one says OR withholding, the other one just says Withholding. on the checks mine shows s-1 after both, his shows s-0 on one and s-1 on the other, halP!!!!!
The year to date figures don't help us figure out what's different about your two paychecks or why. All that could mean is that one of you has been working for the company longer than the other. You'd need to compare the deductions for only one pay period to see what's different between the two of you. Something doesn't sound right here. If he's claiming zero exemptions and you're claiming one, you actually should be having slightly less deducted than he is. If your deductions for one pay period only really are that much different, then yes, check with your HR department (not the IRS. They don't have anything to do with this.)
The year to date figures don't help us figure out what's different about your two paychecks or why. All that could mean is that one of you has been working for the company longer than the other. You'd need to compare the deductions for only one pay period to see what's different between the two of you. Something doesn't sound right here. If he's claiming zero exemptions and you're claiming one, you actually should be having slightly less deducted than he is. If your deductions for one pay period only really are that much different, then yes, check with your HR department (not the IRS. They don't have anything to do with this.)
I love..not
Things I love....I love a patient who stops at White Castle for a few burgers after drinking heavily, then calls 911 from there for a chronic problem. Not only do they have alcohol breath, but now they have white castle breath too...I also love junkies who are brought in by a friend and the friend takes you aside and whispers to you about them and their problems. I love putting 300 lb people on the bedpan about every 15 minutes. Why is it people that big can never get up to a commode or the bathroom? What do they do at home?I love mothers who come in with their grown daughters and have to sit right next to them in the triage bay and try to talk for them. I love people who get mad on the phone because I can't solve their problem over the phone. I love it when its one of those days and its time to go home and I don't have to come back tomorrow.
How can I give this guy my number?
I kinda hit it off with my dental tech last night. We just had a very easy conversation and he even had me relaxed at the dentist! When I left he said something like, it was nice talking to you, see you soon and he mentioned that he was single over the course of the convo. It's kind of an awkward situation because of the professional nature of the meeting, right? Anyway, last night was my exam and tonight is my cleaning (he's not the one doing it, but I'm guessing he'll be in the office), so I guess I get one more chance, but after that I won't see him for at least 6 months! Is there a way to give him my phone number without being awkward? Should I write it down before hand and say like, "if you ever want to meet up for drinks, give me a call"? or should I just offer to give it to him and find a place to write it down if he accepts? Am I wrong in assuming he might actually want it anyway? (In which case, I won't see him for 6 months, so who cares, right?!)
Like nike just do it if he likes you he'll take it gladly if not oh well you won't see him for 6 months
Like nike just do it if he likes you he'll take it gladly if not oh well you won't see him for 6 months
How do I know if he really likes me or if he just wants sex?
I have been seeing a classmate for about a year now. We are both dental students going to be dentists, both are 26 years old. We were friends and started hooking up. It started to turn into something more, I even met his parents. He broke up with his ex-girlfriends of five years before we started seeing each other. He says he is over her but not over the relationship and is not ready to jump into a new one. He says he likes me and cares for me but I don't know if he is giving his honest feelings or just saying these things to keep me around. It's weird because whenever we get close he runs away from me or pulls back then we stop talking for a week or two or start fighting and then comes back to me wanting to be with me again...then gets close and then runs away again. I don't understand what's is going on but it makes me crazy. I feel like a nut case trying to analyze us and figure out what's going on...i don't think it's all about sex because there are times he wants to see me and just wants to cuddle with me...HELP I DON'T WHAT I'M DOING!
Look guys are simple. That whole I'm not ready for a relationship **** might be true 2% of the time, I don't know cause I've never seen it. Any guy will settle down with a girl he deems worthy. The anxiety of losing a marriage quality woman disarms even the most skilled players, at least for a time. The point is, he doesn't seem to like you all that much. And yeah, that leaves just the sex.
Look guys are simple. That whole I'm not ready for a relationship **** might be true 2% of the time, I don't know cause I've never seen it. Any guy will settle down with a girl he deems worthy. The anxiety of losing a marriage quality woman disarms even the most skilled players, at least for a time. The point is, he doesn't seem to like you all that much. And yeah, that leaves just the sex.
Teeth whitening drama.?
So, every1 who cares about their appearance will get their teeth whiten for sure; and thus the dentists are ones who feel the most happiness. Myself have a secret black powder to brush with, but recently the old man who makes that powder retired and stop making it, so i really start worrying; as we all know, the cost for pros. whitening is crazy. Im asking, to see if there are really a good way to whitening your teeth at home effectively ? My teeth are sensitive, i cant bite ice cream or eat hot soup, the black powder was the only way to keep my teeth white and bright, i dont know what ingredients in it, it's a bit salty is all i know. However, there is no more powder, and my teeth are becoming yellowish. I drink black coffee (1 cup) and smoke (1 pack) everyday, I need some help to keep my teeth white, as going to dental is not a good cost effectively method. If somebody can answer the methods that already work well, please share them I would really appreciate that. Best Regards,
There are many ways. Brushing your teeth twice a day is essential. Here's what you should do...as well as tooth paste, add a bit of (powder) baking soda, and brush thoroughly. Luck.
There are many ways. Brushing your teeth twice a day is essential. Here's what you should do...as well as tooth paste, add a bit of (powder) baking soda, and brush thoroughly. Luck.
OK, me and my bf of 3 months have been threw ALOT! from his mom not liking me (for no damn reason!!!) some of his dumb, annoying friends (who are beyond jealous of me for dumb reasons!) and him not having a job, not in school ETC. Recently he has been going to EVEREST COLLEGE (with a guareentee job when he graduates from a dental office by his house), and 2 days ago he got 2 jobs!!! Ive been there for him when he had NOTHING and now that he does, its like WOW! I know he appreciates it, but HE NEVER REALLY SHOWS HIS DAMN EMOTIONS!! but he lets me know from time to time he cares,a dn appreciates............... he gave me a bracelet her STOLE (he's a little criminal, lol.) from a jewelry store (because he is still broke and haven't started his 2 jobs yet) WE HAVE EACH OTHERS BACK LIKE THAT, I got him when he needs ANYTHING, even if i have to steal it! The same with him for me.. ANY WHO, It seems as if we always hang out on the weekends, non stop. but when the weekday comes, he doesn't call me! for 2-3 days. i understand he's busy now that he works 8am-4:30. with school 6pm-10pm. but it only takes a Second to pick up the damn phone and call me!!! He can hang with his friends but not call me WHAT THE HECK MAN!! Its a bit frustrating.. SHOULD I KICK HIM??? = [ HELP!
umm....well to tell you the truth is seems he's a really good boyfriend, i dont understand why you're asking so much of him. You should really think things threw.
umm....well to tell you the truth is seems he's a really good boyfriend, i dont understand why you're asking so much of him. You should really think things threw.
Switching careers...how do I fix my resume?
I am trying to get a career in childcare (daycare, nanny, etc) I have tons of experience caring for children as a babysitter (8 years) and I have been a nanny during the summer. I am also a cheerleading, tumbling, and dance coach for ages 6 months and up. But not all of my jobs have included working with children. I have worked for 2 banks and a dental office, within the last 4 years. How should I put this on my resume? I would like to put all of my childcare experience, but when I add the other jobs I had, my resume is more than 2 pages long! What should I do?
You want to take all of your skills and match them with what the employer needs. Don't make a list (like you did in your post) of what you can do; instead, write your skills, talents, and abilities and transfer them to the job you want. So take the skills you learned at the bank and dental office and think of how they transfer to child care? Working with a diverse population? Team work? What about flexibility in hours, days, etc. Attendance? Think about the skills, not the job titles. Also, if you can quantify your experience, it shouts out. For example, 8 years of customer service is ok, but read, "99.8% customer satisfaction rating in working with a diverse population." Now that says something about you. Hope this helps. Keep your resume to 1 page. Make it easy to read.
You want to take all of your skills and match them with what the employer needs. Don't make a list (like you did in your post) of what you can do; instead, write your skills, talents, and abilities and transfer them to the job you want. So take the skills you learned at the bank and dental office and think of how they transfer to child care? Working with a diverse population? Team work? What about flexibility in hours, days, etc. Attendance? Think about the skills, not the job titles. Also, if you can quantify your experience, it shouts out. For example, 8 years of customer service is ok, but read, "99.8% customer satisfaction rating in working with a diverse population." Now that says something about you. Hope this helps. Keep your resume to 1 page. Make it easy to read.
how can i make my dreams happen in the sorry circumstances im in ?
and especially when there so far away and i have a lot of disadvantages ahead ? my only goals in life is to attain a good paying computer job....to live a peaceful life near the coast........to leave england.......to find a loving partner....to eventually live in spain or another part of europe. those are my goals full fcking stop. but look at my circumstances : i exist alone, living in a one bedroom flat on disability benefits in england- i feel ostracised and alienated from society. i have no one except an aging mother whos always stood by me and done her best for me, shes 58 now and cant get up to see me like she once did. i have alot of aggression problems that ive improved with all by myself over the years.....i used to have rage outbursts in public that i didnt plan, but comes from years of severe bullying. ive basically had a horrifically hard life, missed out on forming ' any ' relationships with anyone........ missed out on ever being employed or gaining any qualifications.........missed out on an education.. im extremely lonely, abandoned....forgotten about by society......i sit in my apartment every night and no one seeks me out, tells me im worth something........its like i dont matter to anyone in society. i feel people are aloof and standoffish to me like they were to me in the past , like no one wants to know me.. i feel stigmatised as somebody to avoid because of my criminal mental past and rage problems.... no one to phone....no one to phone me.....no one to turn to....a tormented, disadvantaged past.. i feel angry at people with happy lives, jealous, aggressive , it represents everything ive never had.. im 30 now, i own nothing....live on disability.....have a dusty old pathetic computer........no carpets on the floor.....have borderline personality disorder and ptsd. wait for therapy........have torn ankle ligaments an injured ankle.....was told it will take a while to heal. ive aged prematurly in my face.. have physical imperfections : 2 missing teeth - front bottom row- saving for dental treatment- cant afford anything right now. this happened after i headbutted a wall years ago through anger. cracked, broken skin , tears in the skin ' covering ' the ' head ' of my penis, an itchy, smelly sweaty scrotum, im waiting to see a dermatologist, she doesnt know what it is or wether the cracks can be cleared yet. the tears and cracks dont hurt, but the skin is sensitive and looks terrible, all broken cracked skin covering my penis head..plus discoloration of the head part. i know its nothing sexually infection because i was checked out at the clinic months ago.. my little finger is crooked and droops over due to an injury years ago. my only goalsin life is to attain a good paying computer job....to live a peaceful life near the coast........to leave england.......to find a loving partner....to eventually live in spain or another part of europe. but tell me in my position, at 30, starting from zero, how will i do that ? im despairing right now. its like no one cares about me and societies moved on and left me behind. people reject me, especially girls because i have major low self esteem.....i get clingy....expect to much to soon......dont no how to maintain a conversation. theres this rusian girl on my messenger list, ive spoke to twice.....she seems nice.....but im scared to go talk to her again incase she rejects me because of how iam. with all this, and in general ; what am i going to do ?
"Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become." Get out there, do something. Get a hobby, meet people. Maybe volunteer for a charity or hospital. You need meaning and purpose in your life. Do something with your life, I know you can. I'm not just saying this to be nice. I only bother to answer questions on here if I really mean it. You are very motivated, you have your goals set out before you (the computer job thing). Not many people in life can pin-point their exact ambitions. It takes some people a looong time to realise what they really want in life. Some people never do. You have it laid out in front of you. So grab it. The fact that I have seen this question so many times on this website shows me that you are seeking answers that nobody on this website or any website can give you. Only you can help yourself, but you keep searching on the internet, sitting there while people assure you that you can achieve your dreams, but will it ever be enough? Get out there and do something, no one can predict your future, the only thing I will say is that it is perfectly possible to achieve those ambitions from scratch at the age of 30. Thirty is in no way old. Believe me you CAN live a happy life, and I'm sure you will, because that is exactly what my bipolar father did. He had nothing. In fact your situation sounds remarkably like his. He saved up money, went travelling, found my mum, fell in love, came back to England and had me. This was at 30 years old. Now he is such an inspiration to me, I love him more than anything. He also lives on disability and on his own now, but he has me and we are closer than anything. A child may not be what you want in life, but I am just using this as an example. You find true love when you least expect it, but getting out and socialising more will increase your chances :) I know that one day you'll find someone. Don't be sad about your situation now, be positive and excited about your future because things will change if you really want them to. It may sound cliché or whatever, but fretting and moping over your appearance is not doing you any good, and will not do anyone any good ever. Good luck, maybe talk to your therapist about jobs, IT training courses and hobbies/clubs, becoming more social is your first way of moving forward. The fact that you keep posting this question suggests that you want to hold on to the past because you are afraid to move forwards because you don't know any different. You may well have missed out in life and had a horrible past, but stop dwelling on it. Move on from here, let this be a milestone. Maybe even use your horrifically hard life as drive and determination. Use it as strength rather than weakness, use it as inspiration to change your life. 'How can I make my dreams happen when they are so far away?' You can be happy in the meantime knowing that you are working your way towards reaching them. The fact that you are giving your life purpose by taking action and pursuing your dreams will make you a happier and healthier minded person in general. It says on your yahoo profile that you 'cherche la vérité dans la vie', well there it is, I tell my honest opinion... I'm honestly not just trying to be 'nice'. I sincerely and genuinely wish you the best of luck, if you want to talk about it more message me via my profile. Keep me updated :) x
"Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become." Get out there, do something. Get a hobby, meet people. Maybe volunteer for a charity or hospital. You need meaning and purpose in your life. Do something with your life, I know you can. I'm not just saying this to be nice. I only bother to answer questions on here if I really mean it. You are very motivated, you have your goals set out before you (the computer job thing). Not many people in life can pin-point their exact ambitions. It takes some people a looong time to realise what they really want in life. Some people never do. You have it laid out in front of you. So grab it. The fact that I have seen this question so many times on this website shows me that you are seeking answers that nobody on this website or any website can give you. Only you can help yourself, but you keep searching on the internet, sitting there while people assure you that you can achieve your dreams, but will it ever be enough? Get out there and do something, no one can predict your future, the only thing I will say is that it is perfectly possible to achieve those ambitions from scratch at the age of 30. Thirty is in no way old. Believe me you CAN live a happy life, and I'm sure you will, because that is exactly what my bipolar father did. He had nothing. In fact your situation sounds remarkably like his. He saved up money, went travelling, found my mum, fell in love, came back to England and had me. This was at 30 years old. Now he is such an inspiration to me, I love him more than anything. He also lives on disability and on his own now, but he has me and we are closer than anything. A child may not be what you want in life, but I am just using this as an example. You find true love when you least expect it, but getting out and socialising more will increase your chances :) I know that one day you'll find someone. Don't be sad about your situation now, be positive and excited about your future because things will change if you really want them to. It may sound cliché or whatever, but fretting and moping over your appearance is not doing you any good, and will not do anyone any good ever. Good luck, maybe talk to your therapist about jobs, IT training courses and hobbies/clubs, becoming more social is your first way of moving forward. The fact that you keep posting this question suggests that you want to hold on to the past because you are afraid to move forwards because you don't know any different. You may well have missed out in life and had a horrible past, but stop dwelling on it. Move on from here, let this be a milestone. Maybe even use your horrifically hard life as drive and determination. Use it as strength rather than weakness, use it as inspiration to change your life. 'How can I make my dreams happen when they are so far away?' You can be happy in the meantime knowing that you are working your way towards reaching them. The fact that you are giving your life purpose by taking action and pursuing your dreams will make you a happier and healthier minded person in general. It says on your yahoo profile that you 'cherche la vérité dans la vie', well there it is, I tell my honest opinion... I'm honestly not just trying to be 'nice'. I sincerely and genuinely wish you the best of luck, if you want to talk about it more message me via my profile. Keep me updated :) x
i hope there are some dentists on yahoo answers..please read =)?
Im 21 and i never really cared about high school, never tried but recently ive been wanting to go to school i just got my assistant certificate but i do not want to do that my whole life i know i'll be going to school to become a dental hygienist but if all goes well i would be willing to go 6 more years and become a dentist, but i would really like to hear more about how an actual dentist loves/dislikes his/her job. and how school went and how easy/hard it is to start your own practice...very nervous about my future =/
you should see http://for-finance.notlong.com i hope it will be helpful in resolving your problem keep using answers.yahoo.com
you should see http://for-finance.notlong.com i hope it will be helpful in resolving your problem keep using answers.yahoo.com
Watch MythBusters Dodge a Bullet (09x08) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Discovery. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch The Ultimate Fighter Season 13, Episode 10 (13x10) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Spike TV. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch Mystery Diagnosis Time is Running Out (10x06) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on OWN. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
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Watch Money Hunters When It Rains It Pours... Into The Basement (02x09) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on DIY. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch American Masters Maestro James Levine: 40 Years at the Met (24x03) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 08:00 pm on PBS. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
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Watch Web Soup Season 3, Episode 10 (03x10) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 08:00 pm on G4. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
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Watch Destroy Build Destroy Food Fight: Valley Girls vs. Jersey Boys (04x01) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 pm on Cartoon Network. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch Jeopardy! Show #6163 (27x188) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 08:00 pm on 07:30 pm Syndicated. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch Hole in the Wall Lucky From Kentucky vs. Sumo Slammers (03x10) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 07:30 pm on Cartoon Network pm. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch So You Think You Can Dance New York and Salt Lake City Auditions (08x03) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 08:00 pm on FOX. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch General Hospital (US) #12317 (49x43) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 am on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch The Ellen DeGeneres Show Howie Mandel, Melissa McCarthy, Teresa Giudice, the Strokes (08x171) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 10:00 am on Syndicated. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
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Watch Live with Regis and Kelly Barbara Sinatra, David Kirsch, "American Idol" runner-up Lauren Alaina (29x92) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 09:00 am on Syndicated. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
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Watch The View Paris & Kathy Hilton, dancer Jacques d'Amboise (14x175)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 11:00 am on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
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When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
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Watch All My Children Ep. #10632 (42x103)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 01:00 pm on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch One Life to Live Ep. #10949 (43x218)live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 02:00 pm on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
Watch The Young and the Restless Ep. #9663 (39x48) live on internet tv channels
If you fans of internet tv, watch the shows on June 1st 2011 free live stream at 12:30 pm on ABC. The Internet TV Channels, live streaming, we will update soon if available.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
You can also watch others shows tv online for free from Justin tv or Ustream, P2P, TVUPlayer, Atdhe, TVAnts, , Sopcast,PBS,NBC,CBS, HGTV, FOX, Nick, ABC, Disney, USA , HBO, Food, Syndicated etc.
When you find any live streaming videos, those are not our contents, we do not host the shows, we only link update pc online streaming of internet web feeds embed code Ustream tv, justin tv, SopCast, P2P, ESPN,SKY SPORTS, Freedocast, iphone, tv sky sports, fromsport, vshare etc.
Hopefully , you still can get the tv channel by visiting this blog. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the shows.
i feel horrible, i don't know what to think..?
well,..i spent some time with my ex-boyfriend on saturday..*sighs* well he just up & left me last year without warning& moved in with his wife& kid in las vegas(they were separated for the 5 years we were together)..well, it was very hard for me..well I didn't know how to act around him i was very nervous and didn't know how to act like myself..he stepped outside twisce while i was with him this weekend to call his wife and that just made me feel really bad.You must know that i was with him for 5 years, he was still technically married but they lived in separate states and he never wore his wedding ring. Now with all that has happend i still had this glimmer of hope, until this Saturday. I still love him soo much and now i feel horrible in side..kind of like empty and what the hell is wrong with me..what am i to him..why did he want to see me? Obviously the wife is #1 and im...what...what am I to him? i want to ask him but i'm afraid that it's going to cause un-easiness for both of us..he told me that if i could wait he knows we have a future..if he loved his wife would he have seen me, i can't help but wonder, he says he doesn't but i don't know if he's just saying that cuz he doesn't want to hurt me? i don't know..i really don't know..i feel,,i don't know how i feel but whatever it is i feel weird...he also told me to let him know when i need help with anything..like i need some dental work done and he wants to pay for it..comments like that make me wonder, and i have hope that he still wants to be with me that he's just with her for the kid but ..i don't know what do you think?do you think he still cares for me?...i don't know how i feel..
Actions speak louder than words. Sounds to me he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He is playing both of you,which should tell you about his character. Hypothetically if he left his wife that he has cheated on with you, how would you know he wouldn't cheat on you to? You don't know,but one thing for sure is he has proved he is not a loyal guy that can be trusted. He's playing with both of your emotions and someone is going to get hurt. You're not happy with the man now, or you wouldn't be asking this question and you won't ever be happy with a man like this.So why put your life on hold for a married man that obviously has no intentions of leaving? You deserve much better and find someone that can give you their complete love and attention.
Actions speak louder than words. Sounds to me he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He is playing both of you,which should tell you about his character. Hypothetically if he left his wife that he has cheated on with you, how would you know he wouldn't cheat on you to? You don't know,but one thing for sure is he has proved he is not a loyal guy that can be trusted. He's playing with both of your emotions and someone is going to get hurt. You're not happy with the man now, or you wouldn't be asking this question and you won't ever be happy with a man like this.So why put your life on hold for a married man that obviously has no intentions of leaving? You deserve much better and find someone that can give you their complete love and attention.
i feel very angry, bitter aggressive and negative about my life & whats happen to me, what do i do ?
i exist alone, living in a one bedroom flat on disability benefits in england- i feel ostracised and alienated from society. i have no one except an aging mother whos always stood by me and done her best for me, shes 58 now and cant get up to see me like she once did. i have alot of aggression problems that ive improved with all by myself over the years.....i used to have rage outbursts in public that i didnt plan, but comes from years of severe bullying. ive basically had a horrifically hard life, missed out on forming ' any ' relationships with anyone........ missed out on ever being employed or gaining any qualifications.........missed out on an education.. im extremely lonely, abandoned....forgotten about by society......i sit in my apartment every night and no one seeks me out, tells me im worth something........its like i dont matter to anyone in society. i feel people are aloof and standoffish to me like they were to me in the past , like no one wants to know me.. i feel stigmatised as somebody to avoid because of my criminal mental past and rage problems.... no one to phone....no one to phone me.....no one to turn to....a tormented, disadvantaged past.. i feel angry at people with happy lives, jealous, aggressive , it represents everything ive never had.. im 30 now, i own nothing....live on disability.....have a dusty old pathetic computer........no carpets on the floor.....have borderline personality disorder and ptsd. wait for therapy........have torn ankle ligaments an injured ankle.....was told it will take a while to heal. ive aged prematurly in my face.. have physical imperfections : 2 missing teeth - front bottom row- saving for dental treatment- cant afford anything right now. this happened after i headbutted a wall years ago through anger. cracked, broken skin , tears in the skin ' covering ' the ' head ' of my penis, an itchy, smelly sweaty scrotum, im waiting to see a dermatologist, she doesnt know what it is or wether the cracks can be cleared yet. the tears and cracks dont hurt, but the skin is sensitive and looks terrible, all broken cracked skin covering my penis head..plus discoloration of the head part. i know its nothing sexually infection because i was checked out at the clinic months ago.. my little finger is crooked and droops over due to an injury years ago. my only goalsin life is to attain a good paying computer job....to live a peaceful life near the coast........to leave england.......to find a loving partner....to eventually live in spain or another part of europe. but tell me in my position, at 30, starting from zero, how will i do that ? im despairing right now. its like no one cares about me and societies moved on and left me behind. people reject me, especially girls because i have major low self esteem.....i get clingy....expect to much to soon......dont no how to maintain a conversation. theres this rusian girl on my messenger list, ive spoke to twice.....she seems nice.....but im scared to go talk to her again incase she rejects me because of how iam. with all this, and in general ; what am i going to do ?
Oh my goodness, how do we allow our lives to run so out of control. You can change this, and you must change this now before bitterness and resentfulness consume you. It's not that people don't care, it's just that they are not aware of your pain. Do not give your life up for your mother, our parents deserve support and help from us, but they gave us our lives so we may live them. You are slipping into the realm of self pity and this will not help you improve your lot. You need to find a way to be out there in society, try volunteering somewhere. There are literally hundreds of organisations crying out for help and through giving your time you will be spending time with other people and will gradually build friendships with them. Try teaching adults to read at the local library, working at a homeless shelter, think what you are good at, what you have to offer and work on it from there. Don't be scared to contact this lady - I doubt she'll reject you it's just online chat. Don't expect a miracle instant fix, it has taken some years to get to this position it will take a while to rejoin society but it can be done. You should ask a mental heath practitioner to point you in the right direction, there must be loads of projects you could get involved in.
Oh my goodness, how do we allow our lives to run so out of control. You can change this, and you must change this now before bitterness and resentfulness consume you. It's not that people don't care, it's just that they are not aware of your pain. Do not give your life up for your mother, our parents deserve support and help from us, but they gave us our lives so we may live them. You are slipping into the realm of self pity and this will not help you improve your lot. You need to find a way to be out there in society, try volunteering somewhere. There are literally hundreds of organisations crying out for help and through giving your time you will be spending time with other people and will gradually build friendships with them. Try teaching adults to read at the local library, working at a homeless shelter, think what you are good at, what you have to offer and work on it from there. Don't be scared to contact this lady - I doubt she'll reject you it's just online chat. Don't expect a miracle instant fix, it has taken some years to get to this position it will take a while to rejoin society but it can be done. You should ask a mental heath practitioner to point you in the right direction, there must be loads of projects you could get involved in.
M.Sc in M.L.T
Application for admission to the 'First Year' M.Sc. (M.L.T.) course (academic year- 2011-2012) have been invited by Surat Muncipal Institute of Medical Institution & Resarch (SMIMER), Surat, from the eligible students who have passed the B.Sc. with Microbiology/Bioscience/Biochemistry/Medical Laboratory Technology subject or DMLT from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or any other recognized university.
The application form along with the rules of admission can be downloaded from the website: http://smimer.suratmunicipal.gov.in OR www.suratmunicipal. gov.in
Duly filled in application from along with the required documents and a Demand Draft of Rs. 200 /- should be submitted to the office of Dean, SMIMER, Umarwada, Surat - 395010 on or before 16/06/2011. Demand Draft (D.D) should be in the favour of "Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation" payable at Surat.
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The application form along with the rules of admission can be downloaded from the website: http://smimer.suratmunicipal.gov.in OR www.suratmunicipal. gov.in
Duly filled in application from along with the required documents and a Demand Draft of Rs. 200 /- should be submitted to the office of Dean, SMIMER, Umarwada, Surat - 395010 on or before 16/06/2011. Demand Draft (D.D) should be in the favour of "Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation" payable at Surat.
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Tooth trauma question?
This weekend, our very large dog (80+ pound German Shepherd mix) got really excited chasing our daughter, and jumped up on her back, knocking her down face first onto the kitchen floor. She definitely hit her mouth, and we are concerned that one of her teeth may have been damaged - has anyone else had experience with damaged teeth in an infant/toddler? It bled initially, and we couldn't tell whether the blood was coming from around the tooth or from her lip (her lip was definitely bleeding, but couldn't tell if the tooth was, too). It looks fine now, and she doesn't seem to be experiencing any discomfort - for anyone who has had experiences, was the child in pain afterward? What should I be looking for? We don't have dental insurance on her yet (honestly didn't think we'd need it until she was a bit older!), so I'm just asking for any input from people who have had similar problems, and anyone who cares to give some advice. Thanks! Also, please note: This question is not intended to start a debate as to what we should do to the dog - I am just looking for information on teeth!
Hi! My nephew Did this over the summer although when he fell it was on the back concrete patio and it actually chipped his tooth in half. We we concerned about the same thing tooth trauma. When his mother took him to the dentist all they said to look for was for the tooth to start turning black or an akward color ar swelling around the tooth and to bring him back because we was a bit youngto hold down. Needless to say the tooth didn't turn black and they took him for a follow up not to long ago and the tooth is fine. Since there is no initial damage to the tooth itself I would say that she is fine. BUt if it makes you feel better you can always take her to the dentist.... Good luck i hope i help you a little
Hi! My nephew Did this over the summer although when he fell it was on the back concrete patio and it actually chipped his tooth in half. We we concerned about the same thing tooth trauma. When his mother took him to the dentist all they said to look for was for the tooth to start turning black or an akward color ar swelling around the tooth and to bring him back because we was a bit youngto hold down. Needless to say the tooth didn't turn black and they took him for a follow up not to long ago and the tooth is fine. Since there is no initial damage to the tooth itself I would say that she is fine. BUt if it makes you feel better you can always take her to the dentist.... Good luck i hope i help you a little
can you add this to my paragraph?
I need to finish my paragraph with these details, can anyone help? C. His health was poor due to neglect 1.Lanky and pale 2.Crooked teeth, with bad dental hygiene 3.A sore on his ankle with no socks on i just dont know how to make it flow with my paragraph. The boy looked like as if he had never been cared for; his greasy fingers tugged nervously at his stringy uneven hair. His toe tapped on the pavement making a dull thud as more foot than shoe hit the pavement. Unkempt would be the nice way to put it, but it was worse than that. It was the boy's dirty face, the ill-fitting pants, the ridiculously oversized jacket–looking as if it had come directly from the dumpster–the dirty hands and face, ragged dirty fingernails. (thats my paragraph) anyways thanks and hope for you to help me
The boy looked as if he had never been cared for; he was lanky and pale in appearance with greasy fingers that tugged nervously at his stringy uneven hair. His toe tapped on the pavement making a dull thud as more foot hit the pavement than of his shoe. He wore no socks and there was a sore visible on his ankle where his pants rose up. Unkempt would be the nice way to put it, but it was worse than that. It was the boy;s dirty face, the ill-fitting pants, and the ridiculously over-sized jacket that looked as if it had come directly from the dumpster. His hands and face were dirty, and his fingernails were ragged and dirty. He had crooked teeth and appeared to have bad dental hygiene habits.
The boy looked as if he had never been cared for; he was lanky and pale in appearance with greasy fingers that tugged nervously at his stringy uneven hair. His toe tapped on the pavement making a dull thud as more foot hit the pavement than of his shoe. He wore no socks and there was a sore visible on his ankle where his pants rose up. Unkempt would be the nice way to put it, but it was worse than that. It was the boy;s dirty face, the ill-fitting pants, and the ridiculously over-sized jacket that looked as if it had come directly from the dumpster. His hands and face were dirty, and his fingernails were ragged and dirty. He had crooked teeth and appeared to have bad dental hygiene habits.
Who could do such a monsterous thing...Continued?
Some one told me this true story yesterday and it is haunting mythoughts.....I can't believe what kind of monster could do this,and to their own child? (Iowa)A man took his 2yr old son to the middle of nowhere on the side of the road .....stomped on him, kicked him ...etc.. By the time the cops helicoptered in ,the boy was gone.(passer bys tried to stop him....but it was too late by then) and he was still crushing the boy long after his passing. Sharp shooters came in and shot the father down... the boys body was so badly pulverized that they had to use dental records to identify his body. When his wife was later questioned about a possible motive for her husbands horrific crime, she claimed that her husband believe the 2yr old to be a demon in the literal sense. Sorry if I bummed everyones day...it is so hard to shake it... it was so evil * 30 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 24 minutes ago Link to the article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cg… 6 minutes ago These kinds of things just keep happening.... When I was 11 in 1996 (lived in Florida) I knew abeautiful , sweet 18mth old girl whom was murdered by her own grandma(during a weekend visit) (he strangled to death and then placed into a storage freezer) and called the cops to confess the next day while going about her daily rountines. When she was questioned she told police that her grand daughter was a neglected child that no one cared about....and that she was too good for this world. She recieved life...without the possibility of parole...what is f***ed up? She was only sent to jail for 5yrs for murdering her husband (in supposed self defense....stabbing him over 30 times) Her 18mth old life could have been saved if her grandma would been properly punished for the death of her husband. When I went to her funeral, the following weekend...it was clear that many loved her and I still can't remove the image of her 2 1/2 foot coffin
unfortunately in today's world things like this happen....I have read about and or seen it to many times my self..personally I think we need to take a hint from some of the wild life around us sometimes...the nurturing nature as I have heard it called seems to portray what we as humans need to learn...child abuse is such a horrible thing as a victim myself I try my best not to allow my children to ever become victims but it is up to each and everyone of us to break the cycle. If we see something wrong or out of sorts then we need to report it and stop being so afraid of the outcome..if you see someone being abused weither its verbal, mental, sexual or physical we need to take a stand and report it. Don't sit back and say I don't want to get involved, we need to be involved, if our children are our future then what are we teaching them if we sit back and watch these horrible things being done to them and not taking a stand?
unfortunately in today's world things like this happen....I have read about and or seen it to many times my self..personally I think we need to take a hint from some of the wild life around us sometimes...the nurturing nature as I have heard it called seems to portray what we as humans need to learn...child abuse is such a horrible thing as a victim myself I try my best not to allow my children to ever become victims but it is up to each and everyone of us to break the cycle. If we see something wrong or out of sorts then we need to report it and stop being so afraid of the outcome..if you see someone being abused weither its verbal, mental, sexual or physical we need to take a stand and report it. Don't sit back and say I don't want to get involved, we need to be involved, if our children are our future then what are we teaching them if we sit back and watch these horrible things being done to them and not taking a stand?
Top Universities in India for Engineering
According to the QS Asian University Rankings 2011, a total of six Indian institutions are ranked in the Asian Top 50 for Engineering & Technology, with Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) rated 1st in India and 12th in Asia, ahead of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi IITD (14th in Asia), Indian Institute of Technology Madras IITM (16th), and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur IITK
Teeth Whitening Kits/Remedies that actually work?
Crest Whitening Strips (including Premium) did nothing for me, 4 boxes later. Are the other kits better? Or maybe those kits are for people with white teeth already who just want a lil pearly boost? Is there anything else I can try at home to make my teeth less yellow? I dont drink coffee or smoke or drink too many sodas. Im paying the price for not caring for them when I was a kid. They have been yellow for the past 13 years. I cant afford professional bleaching just yet. So any remedies, even unsafe remedies, please share! Also, do the dental school's do whitening at a discount or is that just cavities and such?
Most people's teeth are not white - they usually have slight yellow or grey in them. My cousin has naturally very white teeth but most people's arent that white. Hollywood stars,models and celebrities mainly have crowned teeth. You could save up and go to the denist and have the bleaching treatment. Dont wreck you teeth using some noxious stuff. They are to chew your food with, and you could damage them permanently. Notice other peoples teeth - they are not that white. I'm not sure if dental schools do bleaching treatment you could phone and ask. When you have some money you could have them crowned or veneers put on veneers are cheaper and you can have them done a couple at a time. They look really good and more natural than crowns
Most people's teeth are not white - they usually have slight yellow or grey in them. My cousin has naturally very white teeth but most people's arent that white. Hollywood stars,models and celebrities mainly have crowned teeth. You could save up and go to the denist and have the bleaching treatment. Dont wreck you teeth using some noxious stuff. They are to chew your food with, and you could damage them permanently. Notice other peoples teeth - they are not that white. I'm not sure if dental schools do bleaching treatment you could phone and ask. When you have some money you could have them crowned or veneers put on veneers are cheaper and you can have them done a couple at a time. They look really good and more natural than crowns
NH-7, Namakkal - Karur Main Road,
Namakkal - 637207
Tamilnadu, India
Phone : 00 91 4286 267592
Email : contact@pgpedu.ac.in
ADMISSIONS 2011-2012
The admission to B.E / B.Tech courses is made through 'Single Window' system by Anna University and management seats directly through Self Financing College Association.
Eligibility for M.E
Candidates who has passed in B.E / B.Tech Examinations, GATE/TANCET/All India Entrance Test.
Eligibility for MCA
Any Degree with mathematics either at 10+2 level or Mathematics/Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level, TANCET/Consortium /All India Entrance Test is must.
Eligibility for MBA
Pass in any Degree, TANCET/Consortium /All India Entrance Test is must.
Selection Process
The eligibility for admission to 5 years integrated postgraduate courses requires a pass in 10+2 level examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects. No age limit for joining this course.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to Lateral Entry (second year) of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years diploma course in the respective subject.
The eligibility for admission to 5 years integrated postgraduate courses requires a pass in 10+2 level examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects. No age limit for joining this course. The college makes direct admission examination.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to second year of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years diploma course in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mechanical , electrical , electronic & instrumentation, civil etc. conducted by Tamil Nadu Stat Board of Technical Education or equivalent recognized by the board in pre-final and final semester is as per communities' reservation.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to second year of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years B.Sc course in any recognized institutions with mathematics as a subject
Admission against lapsed seats is made directly by the college after the completion of admission process by the Anna University. Certificates and Demand Draft for the fees shall be submitted to the Principal for consideration and grant of admission. The eligibility for admission remains same as enumerated in preceding paragraphs.
PGP CET established in 1999 is approved by AICTE and Govt of Tamil Nadu. It is affiliated to Anna University, NBA accredited and ISO 9001-2000 certified Institution. It has got Excellent Infrastructure located in a scenic and green environment. The labs and workshops are state of art. Faculties are well qualified and dedicated. In addition to class room leaching with modern educational aids the students have the advantage of value added courses, personality development programmes etc on a regular basis.
Admission Procedure
Admission of the students in all courses will be provisional subject to approval by Periyar University. Students must satisfy the eligibility conditions for admission. If the admission is found ineligible, the college will not be held responsible for it. Every foreign student seeking admissions should be a holder of a regular student VISA.
The applicants provisionally selected for the admission will be intimated by post. They have to present themselves ALONG WITH THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIAN for an interview with Principal on the date and time mentioned in the admission card. At the time of interview, they should produce the following original certificates.
Transfer certificate.
Conduct certificate from the Head of the institution last studied.
Mark statement of higher secondary courses or any other qualifying examination along with the photocopy of the mark statement.
Eligibility certificate issued by the Periyar University (if applicable).
Six passport size photographs
Applicants are advised to take photocopies of their certificates before submitting the originals at the time of admission. Request for the issue of the originals will not be entertained during the course of study.
Payment of fees
Tuition and other fees for the first year should be paid in full on the same day if selected for admission. Extension of time for payment of fees will not be granted. Failure to pay fees on the due date will result in forfeiture of the seat. College authorities reserve the right to cancel the admission of a student without returning the fees if: (1) there is any discrepancy between the certificates produced and the entries in application and (2) suppression of facts noticed at any time during the course of the study.
On withdrawal, the student has to remit the stipulated fee for the course.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
The college authorities reserve the right to increase the tuition and other fees at the commencement of the academic year, if they consider it necessary to do so.
For Application form please contact: Telephone 04286-267591, 267592
PGP College of Arts and Science founded by Dr.Palani G. Periasamy,M.A.,M.A.,Ph.D.,(USA), an NRI from USA is a dream that has come true. The college established in 1994, is affiliated to Periyar University, Tamilnadu, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Accredited by NAAC. This is an Self financing co-educational institution.
" Admission for 2011-2012 is going on "
Admission To First Year Diploma Courses
Minimum Qualification
The eligibility for the admissions to First Year course requires a pass in SSLC examination.
Age Limit
No age limit for all communities.
Minimum Qualification
The eligibility for the admissions to Lateral Entry or Second Year requires a pass in HSC examination.
Age Limit
No age limit for all communities.
The following documents should accompany the application
Xerox attested copy of the X standard mark list or HSC mark list
Xerox attested copy of the Transfer Certificate.
Community Certificate from the competent authority.
Guiding the student to get State Rank Awards.
Intimation card with your postal address duly filled in stamped to the value of six rupees.
Two self-addressed stamped covers.
Area of Specification
Human Resource, Career guidance, Power of thought, Teaching skill and Exploring optimistic approach.
PGP Polytechnic College is situated in the sprawling and scenic PGP Campus in Namakkal at national highway-7. This institution established in 1998 is approved by All India Council for Technical Education and the government of tamilnadu. It blends beautifully with the green landscaping. Aesthetic elegance of arch is the hallmark of PGP Polytechnic College and gateway to excellence.
The college has been provided with hi-tech laboratories with equipment that develop practical skills of the students. Make them to meet the demands of the industry in particular society in general. The institute provides highly hygienic, comfortable and disciplined hostel facilities for boys and girls. Canteen and stores meet all the requirements of academic and general needs of the students.
Eligibility for Admission into B.Ed. Degree Course
Pass in any U.G.Degree.(in 10+2+3 stream)
Minimum 45% of marks in part III of the U.G degree (for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities pass mark is enough).
Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in Part III of U.G degree have to choose and apply for anyone of the Main subjects in B.Ed.,
Candidates who have done their U.G degree in Applied Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Applied Physics, Environmental Science & Micro – Biology can apply for Chemistry, Physics & Biology respectively as an optional subject.
There is no age limit for admission into B.Ed.,
The following enclosures (Xerox copies) must be attached along with the application form
Degree Certificate and Mark Statement.
Entrance Exam Mark Statement.
P.G. degree Certificate and Mark Statement.
Community Certificate.
Physically Handicapped Certificate.
Ex-Serviceman Certificate.
NSS Special Camp (Ten days) Certificate/ NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate / Sports Certificate (District Level & Above).
Widow Certificate if applicable.
The PGP Educational Institutions in a sprawling and sylvan campus of 200 acres is the realization of the dream of Dr.Palani G.Periasamy M.A., M.A., Ph.D., (USA) to establish colleges of International standard in Namakkal. Having served as full-tenure Professor in America and based on his experience in his wide tour of the world, Dr.Palani G.Periasamy has set up these institutions to impart quality learning in all disciplines.
Duration of Course: 4 YEARS
Candidates should have completed 17years.
Candidates should have passed in+2 with minimum of 50% of marks.
They should have studied English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology.
Further Information regarding this can be obtained from the College office.
Application Procedure
All the columns have to be filled in by the candidate’s own handwriting. Filled in applications should reach the office by June.
Xerox copy of the +2 mark list if available. If it is in any other language other than English, it has to be translated in to English and attested by the Principal of the school. If the subjects are written in code the copy of the page where the expansion of the code is given has to be sent along with the copy of mark list.
Overseas and other State candidates should attach an eligibility certificate from “The Tamilnadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University”.
Community certificate if he/she belongs to backward/most backward/scheduled caste/scheduled tribe.
Photograph (passport size) 2 Nos. to be attached.
The information given in the application form should be correct.
The candidate will be admitting only with the original certificates of the following
Mark list of the qualifying examination.
Certificate for Date of Birth.
Transfer Certificate.
Conduct certificate from the institution the student last studied.
NOC from the University for Students from other states or countries.
Physical fitness certificate.
Community certificate for all except OC.
PGP Educational and Welfare Society was accorded approval to start Nursing College in 2006. PGP College of Nursing and Research has started its academic activities from 2007 onwards. It has excellent infrastructure facilities, with highly experienced and qualified staffs. Spread out in area of more than 200 acres abutting national highway (NH-7). The College is well served by buses from the neighboring Towns of Namakkal, Karur, Thiruchengode, Salem and Trichy. Lush Green lawns, the lake and entire campus landscape are providing a natural healthy environment and treat to the eyes. College has nearest railway stations are Pugalur, Karur, Erode & Salem and nearest airport is in Salem.
B. Pharm - 4 Years course: Eligibility
Pass in +2 examinations with an aggregate of 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) or Maths or Computer Science or Pre Degree Intermediate.
Candidates belonging to Scheduled castes or Scheduled Tribes should Have a minimum aggregate of 40% marks in the above subjects.
A pass in English with a minimum of 35% marks is mandatory for all categories.
B. Pharm -3 Years Course (Lateral Entry)
Should have aggregate of 40% marks in the first and second year D. Pharmacy Examination with a pass in H.S.C. or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) or Mathematics
Candidates belonging to Scheduled castes or Scheduled Tribes should have a minimum aggregate of 35% marks in the above subject.
A pass in English with a minimum of 35% marks is mandatory for all categories.
Age Limit
Should complete the age of 17 years at the time of admission.
The following certificates in original should be submitted with the application with three set of Xerox copy of the original.
H.Sc /Equivalent Mark statement(s).
Transfer Certificate
Proof for Date of Birth (in case if it is not available then T.C / Mark Statement)
Allotment order of the Selection Committee for the candidates admitted under Govt. Quota
Migration Certificate for other than H.Sc of Tamilnadu
No Objection Certificate (NOC) for foreign candidates.
Eligibility Certificate obtained from Dr.M.G.R.Medical University for other than H.Sc. of Tamilnadu
Eligibility Certificate obtained from Dr.M.G.R. Medical University for foreign candidates
Community Certificate for all the category.
Ten passport size Photos.
B.Pharm - 3 Years Course (Lateral Entry)
B.Pharm - 4 Years Course
Name of the Programmes : U.G. -- B.PHARMACY approved by the AICTE
Name : B.Pharm
Number of seats : 60
Duration : 4 years
Cut off mark/rank for admission during the last three years
The PGP College of Pharmaceutical Science & Research Institute, promoted by Dr. Palani G.Periasamy, is a ‘Dream come True’. It is a grateful gift of a son of the soil to his native place. It has been a long-cherished dream of Dr. Palani G. Periasamy to start a college close to his native place to cater to the intellectual needs of the youth of Tamilnadu in general and of Namakkal District in particular. This dream has taken a concrete shape with the establishment of this college in 2007.
" Admission for 2011-2012 is going on "
PGP International School started in 2009 is yet another landmark of the PGP Group of Institutions. Dr.Palani G Periyasamy M.A., M.A., Ph.D., (USA) is the chairman of PGP Group. PGP International School situated on the outskirts of Namakkal with Kolli Hills as a backdrop the massive school building is surrounded by a scenic, impressive campus. It consists four blocks of exceptional design – The Main School, PGP Kinder Garden, Boarding for Boys and Girls & the School Canteen.
For more details please contact:
#57, Sterling Road
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034
Tel: 044 - 28311313, 28311414, 28207480, 28207481
Fax : 00 91 44 28232074
NH-7, Namakkal - Karur Main Road,
Namakkal - 637207
Tamilnadu, India
Phone : 00 91 4286 267592
Email : contact@pgpedu.ac.in
ADMISSIONS 2011-2012
The admission to B.E / B.Tech courses is made through 'Single Window' system by Anna University and management seats directly through Self Financing College Association.
Eligibility for M.E
Candidates who has passed in B.E / B.Tech Examinations, GATE/TANCET/All India Entrance Test.
Eligibility for MCA
Any Degree with mathematics either at 10+2 level or Mathematics/Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level, TANCET/Consortium /All India Entrance Test is must.
Eligibility for MBA
Pass in any Degree, TANCET/Consortium /All India Entrance Test is must.
Selection Process
The eligibility for admission to 5 years integrated postgraduate courses requires a pass in 10+2 level examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects. No age limit for joining this course.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to Lateral Entry (second year) of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years diploma course in the respective subject.
The eligibility for admission to 5 years integrated postgraduate courses requires a pass in 10+2 level examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects. No age limit for joining this course. The college makes direct admission examination.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to second year of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years diploma course in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mechanical , electrical , electronic & instrumentation, civil etc. conducted by Tamil Nadu Stat Board of Technical Education or equivalent recognized by the board in pre-final and final semester is as per communities' reservation.
The eligibility for Direct Admission to second year of B.E / B.Tech course is 3 years B.Sc course in any recognized institutions with mathematics as a subject
Admission against lapsed seats is made directly by the college after the completion of admission process by the Anna University. Certificates and Demand Draft for the fees shall be submitted to the Principal for consideration and grant of admission. The eligibility for admission remains same as enumerated in preceding paragraphs.
PGP CET established in 1999 is approved by AICTE and Govt of Tamil Nadu. It is affiliated to Anna University, NBA accredited and ISO 9001-2000 certified Institution. It has got Excellent Infrastructure located in a scenic and green environment. The labs and workshops are state of art. Faculties are well qualified and dedicated. In addition to class room leaching with modern educational aids the students have the advantage of value added courses, personality development programmes etc on a regular basis.
Admission Procedure
Admission of the students in all courses will be provisional subject to approval by Periyar University. Students must satisfy the eligibility conditions for admission. If the admission is found ineligible, the college will not be held responsible for it. Every foreign student seeking admissions should be a holder of a regular student VISA.
The applicants provisionally selected for the admission will be intimated by post. They have to present themselves ALONG WITH THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIAN for an interview with Principal on the date and time mentioned in the admission card. At the time of interview, they should produce the following original certificates.
Transfer certificate.
Conduct certificate from the Head of the institution last studied.
Mark statement of higher secondary courses or any other qualifying examination along with the photocopy of the mark statement.
Eligibility certificate issued by the Periyar University (if applicable).
Six passport size photographs
Applicants are advised to take photocopies of their certificates before submitting the originals at the time of admission. Request for the issue of the originals will not be entertained during the course of study.
Payment of fees
Tuition and other fees for the first year should be paid in full on the same day if selected for admission. Extension of time for payment of fees will not be granted. Failure to pay fees on the due date will result in forfeiture of the seat. College authorities reserve the right to cancel the admission of a student without returning the fees if: (1) there is any discrepancy between the certificates produced and the entries in application and (2) suppression of facts noticed at any time during the course of the study.
On withdrawal, the student has to remit the stipulated fee for the course.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
The college authorities reserve the right to increase the tuition and other fees at the commencement of the academic year, if they consider it necessary to do so.
For Application form please contact: Telephone 04286-267591, 267592
PGP College of Arts and Science founded by Dr.Palani G. Periasamy,M.A.,M.A.,Ph.D.,(USA), an NRI from USA is a dream that has come true. The college established in 1994, is affiliated to Periyar University, Tamilnadu, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Accredited by NAAC. This is an Self financing co-educational institution.
" Admission for 2011-2012 is going on "
Admission To First Year Diploma Courses
Minimum Qualification
The eligibility for the admissions to First Year course requires a pass in SSLC examination.
Age Limit
No age limit for all communities.
Minimum Qualification
The eligibility for the admissions to Lateral Entry or Second Year requires a pass in HSC examination.
Age Limit
No age limit for all communities.
The following documents should accompany the application
Xerox attested copy of the X standard mark list or HSC mark list
Xerox attested copy of the Transfer Certificate.
Community Certificate from the competent authority.
Guiding the student to get State Rank Awards.
Intimation card with your postal address duly filled in stamped to the value of six rupees.
Two self-addressed stamped covers.
Area of Specification
Human Resource, Career guidance, Power of thought, Teaching skill and Exploring optimistic approach.
PGP Polytechnic College is situated in the sprawling and scenic PGP Campus in Namakkal at national highway-7. This institution established in 1998 is approved by All India Council for Technical Education and the government of tamilnadu. It blends beautifully with the green landscaping. Aesthetic elegance of arch is the hallmark of PGP Polytechnic College and gateway to excellence.
The college has been provided with hi-tech laboratories with equipment that develop practical skills of the students. Make them to meet the demands of the industry in particular society in general. The institute provides highly hygienic, comfortable and disciplined hostel facilities for boys and girls. Canteen and stores meet all the requirements of academic and general needs of the students.
Eligibility for Admission into B.Ed. Degree Course
Pass in any U.G.Degree.(in 10+2+3 stream)
Minimum 45% of marks in part III of the U.G degree (for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities pass mark is enough).
Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in Part III of U.G degree have to choose and apply for anyone of the Main subjects in B.Ed.,
Candidates who have done their U.G degree in Applied Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Applied Physics, Environmental Science & Micro – Biology can apply for Chemistry, Physics & Biology respectively as an optional subject.
There is no age limit for admission into B.Ed.,
The following enclosures (Xerox copies) must be attached along with the application form
Degree Certificate and Mark Statement.
Entrance Exam Mark Statement.
P.G. degree Certificate and Mark Statement.
Community Certificate.
Physically Handicapped Certificate.
Ex-Serviceman Certificate.
NSS Special Camp (Ten days) Certificate/ NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate / Sports Certificate (District Level & Above).
Widow Certificate if applicable.
The PGP Educational Institutions in a sprawling and sylvan campus of 200 acres is the realization of the dream of Dr.Palani G.Periasamy M.A., M.A., Ph.D., (USA) to establish colleges of International standard in Namakkal. Having served as full-tenure Professor in America and based on his experience in his wide tour of the world, Dr.Palani G.Periasamy has set up these institutions to impart quality learning in all disciplines.
Duration of Course: 4 YEARS
Candidates should have completed 17years.
Candidates should have passed in+2 with minimum of 50% of marks.
They should have studied English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology.
Further Information regarding this can be obtained from the College office.
Application Procedure
All the columns have to be filled in by the candidate’s own handwriting. Filled in applications should reach the office by June.
Xerox copy of the +2 mark list if available. If it is in any other language other than English, it has to be translated in to English and attested by the Principal of the school. If the subjects are written in code the copy of the page where the expansion of the code is given has to be sent along with the copy of mark list.
Overseas and other State candidates should attach an eligibility certificate from “The Tamilnadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University”.
Community certificate if he/she belongs to backward/most backward/scheduled caste/scheduled tribe.
Photograph (passport size) 2 Nos. to be attached.
The information given in the application form should be correct.
The candidate will be admitting only with the original certificates of the following
Mark list of the qualifying examination.
Certificate for Date of Birth.
Transfer Certificate.
Conduct certificate from the institution the student last studied.
NOC from the University for Students from other states or countries.
Physical fitness certificate.
Community certificate for all except OC.
PGP Educational and Welfare Society was accorded approval to start Nursing College in 2006. PGP College of Nursing and Research has started its academic activities from 2007 onwards. It has excellent infrastructure facilities, with highly experienced and qualified staffs. Spread out in area of more than 200 acres abutting national highway (NH-7). The College is well served by buses from the neighboring Towns of Namakkal, Karur, Thiruchengode, Salem and Trichy. Lush Green lawns, the lake and entire campus landscape are providing a natural healthy environment and treat to the eyes. College has nearest railway stations are Pugalur, Karur, Erode & Salem and nearest airport is in Salem.
B. Pharm - 4 Years course: Eligibility
Pass in +2 examinations with an aggregate of 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) or Maths or Computer Science or Pre Degree Intermediate.
Candidates belonging to Scheduled castes or Scheduled Tribes should Have a minimum aggregate of 40% marks in the above subjects.
A pass in English with a minimum of 35% marks is mandatory for all categories.
B. Pharm -3 Years Course (Lateral Entry)
Should have aggregate of 40% marks in the first and second year D. Pharmacy Examination with a pass in H.S.C. or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) or Mathematics
Candidates belonging to Scheduled castes or Scheduled Tribes should have a minimum aggregate of 35% marks in the above subject.
A pass in English with a minimum of 35% marks is mandatory for all categories.
Age Limit
Should complete the age of 17 years at the time of admission.
The following certificates in original should be submitted with the application with three set of Xerox copy of the original.
H.Sc /Equivalent Mark statement(s).
Transfer Certificate
Proof for Date of Birth (in case if it is not available then T.C / Mark Statement)
Allotment order of the Selection Committee for the candidates admitted under Govt. Quota
Migration Certificate for other than H.Sc of Tamilnadu
No Objection Certificate (NOC) for foreign candidates.
Eligibility Certificate obtained from Dr.M.G.R.Medical University for other than H.Sc. of Tamilnadu
Eligibility Certificate obtained from Dr.M.G.R. Medical University for foreign candidates
Community Certificate for all the category.
Ten passport size Photos.
B.Pharm - 3 Years Course (Lateral Entry)
B.Pharm - 4 Years Course
Name of the Programmes : U.G. -- B.PHARMACY approved by the AICTE
Name : B.Pharm
Number of seats : 60
Duration : 4 years
Cut off mark/rank for admission during the last three years
The PGP College of Pharmaceutical Science & Research Institute, promoted by Dr. Palani G.Periasamy, is a ‘Dream come True’. It is a grateful gift of a son of the soil to his native place. It has been a long-cherished dream of Dr. Palani G. Periasamy to start a college close to his native place to cater to the intellectual needs of the youth of Tamilnadu in general and of Namakkal District in particular. This dream has taken a concrete shape with the establishment of this college in 2007.
" Admission for 2011-2012 is going on "
PGP International School started in 2009 is yet another landmark of the PGP Group of Institutions. Dr.Palani G Periyasamy M.A., M.A., Ph.D., (USA) is the chairman of PGP Group. PGP International School situated on the outskirts of Namakkal with Kolli Hills as a backdrop the massive school building is surrounded by a scenic, impressive campus. It consists four blocks of exceptional design – The Main School, PGP Kinder Garden, Boarding for Boys and Girls & the School Canteen.
For more details please contact:
#57, Sterling Road
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034
Tel: 044 - 28311313, 28311414, 28207480, 28207481
Fax : 00 91 44 28232074
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