Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Teeth Whitening Kits/Remedies that actually work?

Crest Whitening Strips (including Premium) did nothing for me, 4 boxes later. Are the other kits better? Or maybe those kits are for people with white teeth already who just want a lil pearly boost? Is there anything else I can try at home to make my teeth less yellow? I dont drink coffee or smoke or drink too many sodas. Im paying the price for not caring for them when I was a kid. They have been yellow for the past 13 years. I cant afford professional bleaching just yet. So any remedies, even unsafe remedies, please share! Also, do the dental school's do whitening at a discount or is that just cavities and such?
Most people's teeth are not white - they usually have slight yellow or grey in them. My cousin has naturally very white teeth but most people's arent that white. Hollywood stars,models and celebrities mainly have crowned teeth. You could save up and go to the denist and have the bleaching treatment. Dont wreck you teeth using some noxious stuff. They are to chew your food with, and you could damage them permanently. Notice other peoples teeth - they are not that white. I'm not sure if dental schools do bleaching treatment you could phone and ask. When you have some money you could have them crowned or veneers put on veneers are cheaper and you can have them done a couple at a time. They look really good and more natural than crowns

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