Monday, May 30, 2011

valium valium valium?

my dentist gives me valium 10mg to take the night before my vistit, and i also take one an hour before the vistit. its supposed to help me relax and not be so tense during my dental work. is there a way i could get it perscribed for stress? i took one about 30 minutes ago, im rly relaxed and i feel like im worry free. i know its a very addictive drug, but who cares. its alot better than getting drunk before bed. how can i get it perscribed? i also have bad panic attacks, and i think to much at night to fall asleep. and the valium makes it alot easier to relax and sleep.
You have panic attacks? Perhaps you could get perscribed a better and stronger bezodiazapine called xanax, Good Stuff if you want to relax ,sleep, or have a good time.The only problem is it is more addicting than valium. But to Answer your question to the best of my ability cuz i know my drugs is, You can try, not sure it your doc will give it to you for stress, Its more for relaxing your muscles and for spasm and what not, but also works too for stress becuase it has a small euphoric feeling off of it,Xanax is even better for stress and panic attacks, although many doctors do not like perscribing xanax or other bezos like valium,colonzepam or lorazepam etc, because it is addicting and not good for long time use so they say, i've tried.You need to have a good doctor who understands or you'll need to trick them into thinking your panic attacks are way worse than they are and affecting your everyday life, if it really is then you shouldnt have no problems. :)

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