Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things I Wish I Knew My First Year of Med School #1

I'm making a list. And I'll probably add to it. Feel free to add a comment with your best first year advice.

The number one thing I wish I knew last year was to not buy too many books. It is sooo overwhelming to have so many sources. For example, in Anatomy, lets discuss your options. There are at least several versions of each of flashcards, review books, atlases, dissectors, clinical books, and question books. You have videos, models, powerpoints, etc. Plus you have class notes from the note-taker, lectures, professors slides, professor's reviews, etc. The point here is that you are inundated with material... and it is incredibly overwhelming to try to synthesize it all together.

I let myself be too influences by what "everyone" else supposedly thought was best. I'd buy book #1, then "everyone" would rave about book #2, and I'd buy that. Only to find out later that I like book #3 and the other 2 are worthless. Or I'd try to use all 3 and then get super stressed.

So here's the advice in all this:

Pick one or two sources that YOU like, and use them consistently and thoroughly. Skip the review books, those are for REVIEW, not FIRST TIME LEARNING. You can use those later for a shelf exam or Step 1 but you don't really need those all that much. And if you don't feel like you are learning, try a different approach. Some people need to draw structures (which for me is a waste of time). Some people re-copy their notes, some people are addicted to flashcards, some people memorize slides. Don't get bogged down with what others are doing. There is no "right" way to study in med school. And pretty much every class feels completely unknown the first week or two until you get the hang of things.

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