Saturday, May 7, 2011

Nursing Intervention for Diarrhea and Rationale

Nursing Intervention and Rationale for Diarrhea

Nursing Diagnosis for Diarrhea 1.

Deficient Fluid Volume related to excessive loss through faeces, vomit and limited intake (nausea)

The need for fluids will be met with the criteria there are no signs of dehydration

Nursing Intervention and Rationale

Give oral fluids and parenteral rehydration in accordance with the program.
R /: In an effort rehydration to replace fluids that come out with feces.

Monitor intake and output.
R /: Provide information to determine the status of fluid balance fluid needs replacement.

Assess vital signs, signs / symptoms of dehydration and laboratory test results
R /: Assessing hydration status, electrolyte and acid base balance

Collaboration execution of definitive therapy.
R /: Delivery of drugs causally important after the cause of diarrhea known.

Nursing Diagnosis for Diarrhea 2.

Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to disorders of nutrient absorption and increase intestinal peristalsis.

The nutritional requirements are met by the criteria of an increase in weight.

Nursing Intervention and Rationale

Maintain bed rest and limitation of activity during the acute phase.
R /: Lowering metabolic demand.

Maintain the status of fasting during the acute phase (based therapy program) and immediately begin feeding by mouth after the client's condition allows.
R /: restricted diet by mouth may be determined during the acute phase to reduce peristalsis resulting in nutritional deficiencies.

Important feeding as soon as possible after the client's clinical condition allows.

Assist the implementation of appropriate feeding a diet program.
R /: Meeting the nutritional needs of clients.

Collaboration parenteral nutrition as indicated.
R /: resting the gastrointestinal work and overcome / prevent further nutritional deficiencies.

Nursing Diagnosis for Diarrhea 3.

Acute pain related to hyperperistalsis, anal irritation

Pain is reduced to the criteria there are no blisters in the anal

Nursing Intervention and Rationale for Diarrhea

Set a comfortable position for the client, for example with knee flexion.
R /: Lower abdominal surface tension and reduce pain.

Perform the transfer activity to give a sense of comfort such as back massage and warm compresses abdomen.
R /: Improve relaxation, shifting the focus of attention of clients and improve coping abilities.

Clean the anorectal area with mild soap and water after defecation and provide skin care.
R /: Protecting skin from feces acidity, preventing irritation.

Collaboration of analgesics and / or anticholinergic drugs as indicated.
R /: Analgesic as an anti-pain and anticholinergic agents to reduce the spasm of the GI tract can be given according to clinical indication.

Assess complaints of pain by Visual Analog Scale (scale 1-5), changes in the characteristics of pain, verbal and non verbal clues.
R /: Evaluating the development of pain to determine the next intervention.

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