Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Oh, you have to get this! So I saw some incoming students on the class of 2014 facebook page who were a bit older and seemed pretty darn cool. So I emailed one of them and invited them to coffee for a chit chat. THANK GOD there are finally some peeps my age around school. Turns out new student #1 also invited new student #2 to come along... so I got to meet two students my age.

Here's the cool part. They BOTH told me that they had read my blog (or at least parts of it).... and they both found it on their own. And it was totally a random coincidence that I emailed one of them with an invite to coffee. They seemed a little reluctant to tell me... lol... I guess it's like reading someones diary or something.... but hey, I write this for people to read. Well, preferably people I don't know... but there's always that chance, right? At first I thought "Oh crap what the hell did I write on there"... but truthfully I think they were more weirded out than I was. It was pretty cool actually. Like I said, it feels like I have fans! Well, at least 2 people read my ramblings. Even my parents don't do that.

* Oh AND they both like EM. Automatic cool factor.

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