Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Having Kids in Medical School

Oh, man. Seems to be the topic of the day... and since I got linked on SDN on this topic... I like to put my 2 cents in. Here, of course. Not on SDN. As I would rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon. A dull one. Anyway.

For all the hoopla... and advice from people who don't have kids (oops, peeps like me)... the answer is very simple.

Q: Can you go to med school with kids?

A: Yes, of course

Q: Can you have kids while in med school?

A: Yes, of course.

Q: Will it be easy?

A: Maybe. That depends on you.

Q: As easy as it is for someone with no kids, no commitments, no other responsibilities except studying?

A: No, likely not.

I mean, that's it folks! People have their own priorities. And many many people make kids work in medical school. I personally know a couple in my class who is expecting their first baby... both are second year med students. I also know a couple that graduated from med school several years ago, were BOTH in med school and had THREE kids under the age of 8 (one was an infant). I know an older female student who just started med school at 36, and has kiddos at home. And I know a guy friend of mine who went to the Caribbean with a 1 year old his first year... and his wife (not a student) is pregnant and expecting half way through his second year. All of them love their kids and their lives.

I mean, it all goes back to what you LIKE! Personally, I don't really want to be a mom right now... so having kids sounds yucky to me. I spend all of my extra time blogging, cooking, taking my dog to the park, going to museums, shopping, etc. But could I change my mind, and substitute all that time for raising kids? Sure. its totally doable.

My best advice? Seriously, anything (almost) is possible. Just depends on how much you want to do it.


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