Friday, October 1, 2010


So my neighbor got strep throat and of course, me playing doctor, wanted to see. Not only did I see all that strepnastiness, but I got another surprise. His epiglottis. Popped right up like a cobra in the back of his throat. I was pretty excited, although I wasn't sure how uncommon that was to actually see an epiglottis, I'd certainly never seen one.

So last night I was out to dinner with some friends (one of which is a resident) and I asked if he'd ever seen an epiglottis while just visualizing the throat. He looked at me like I was the biggest idiot on the planet, and said "Yes, on every patient I see". Well then I started to feel like an idiot, and question my own sanity... but I just said, "Huh, I have never seen one before, I guess I'll look harder from now on".

Then he's like "look, you can see mine... it hangs down in the middle"

Then I'm like, "uh, that's your uvula"

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