Wednesday, June 1, 2011

17.lost baby tooth.still need to lose another.please answer:)?

so. i'm 17 (18 in feb yay) and i lost all my baby teeth by the age of 11 or 12, all except 2 that is and they're both on the top third one to the right, third to the left i think their called fangs? or something like that..i don't know if its just because its one of those things that you don't think about or just me but years went by and those teeth weren't getting loose and i wasn't really thinking about it much or caring much in fact the last time i went to the dentist was when i was 11 or 12. it really bothers me that i haven't been to the dentist in that long and now because of not being there for a long time (and after fainting getting a shot 2 summers ago, yes lol i'm dead serious) i'm super super nervous about going to the dentist. getting to the point now last wednesday the tooth on my right side finally came out, i'm very excited its finally out but at the same time i realized there was no more putting off the dentist cause now i have a huge gaping hole in my mouth (you could either say i look twelve, or a hillbilly) the worst part is i still have a baby tooth on my right side that needs to come out and its not even a little bit loose! (i forgot to say up there that its been tough for my mom and me and we've never really had the money to go to the dentist, that's why i haven't gone for as long as its been, its very expensive) but what i don't get is you can see through my gums my permanent teeth...? anyone gotta explanation for why they never decided to get the f outa my gums?? i don't get it. but don't worry everyone my moms job has dental insurance so i'll be going to the dentist next week sometime :\ (i'm nervous but i keep telling myself i'll feel so much better about myself after i do this) so im wondering what do you think shes gonna say to me/do to my teeth? lol.. i've also got a couple little cavities but there not horrible. to everyone who actually read this whole thing(sorry) and tells me what they think THANK YOU :)
There are 2 reasons why you still have the baby canines in place. Either you never had the permanent canines develop, or more likely they are laying in the roof of your mouth at a 45 degree angle. They are impacted and will not come in. The norm of treatment at your age is to have the baby canines extracted, have the 2 permanent teeth uncovered and exposed, and have an orthodontic appliance to pull these down and into proper alignment. Only by a dentist taking x-rays of the areas will you know for sure and learn how involved and expensive the treatment would be. Good luck.

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