Monday, September 27, 2010

Pay Freeze or Job Loss?

Reason number 386 that we are all trying to get out of the UK.  The pay. Registered Nurses (Not care assistants) already work a large number of unpaid hours.  Our pay does not increase as our workload triples or becomes more complex during the course of a shift.  We do not get paid for overtime much of the time.  We are on less than RN's in other first world countries.  Child tax credits are gone, child care costs are sky rocketing.  Taxes and cost of living are high.

I have often hesitated to conplain about pay on this blog.  The problems I describe go way beyond "RN's are not paid enough".

But have a look at this:

And look at this quote from the same article:

“If we have a demoralised workforce, performance will suffer, quality will suffer, so it’s up to nurse leadership to make sure that doesn’t happen"
Nurse leadership?  Nurse Leadership? Oh shit.  What are they going to do? They are too busy blowing the chief executives, looking down on floor Nurses (who are much more knowledgeable by then way) and trying to be  corporate suits.  We aren't going to get sweet fuck all from those age 55+ sluts.

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