Saturday, April 17, 2010

Family Medicine

Is swiftly falling off my list. Today I worked with a family med doctor who was young and seemed pretty cool. But I was so bored I wanted to DIE. First of all, the patients I saw were less than exciting. Sinus problems, hypertension, diabetes, allergies, etc. But, hey, that's ok.... these things are important too. So in clinic myself and a 3rd year (who pretty much was a kick-ass rockstar) did the entire H and P on the patient. So the attending just had to come in and confirm our findings. With every other doc this takes just a few minutes.

Not today however. It took this guy 30 minutes. 30 MINUTES!!!! 30 minutes to tell the patient to get Zyrtec OTC at Walgreens. There were 3 med students, a patient and an attending crammed into a tiny little room with inadequate air-conditioning for 30 minutes. I was cursing family medicine the ENTIRE TIME. I could have rounded on 40+ patients in the ED in that amount of time.

Sorry Dr. D. I still think you rock, though. :)

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