Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lo Lo

One of my best friends has decided to go to med school. Well, I think she's pretty much convinced. I met her because we were getting our Masters degrees at the same time, back in 2006, and we've been friends ever since. We even worked together as epidemiologists for the state.

So even though I'm probably going to get my ass kicked for it, I want to put her story on here. First because she needs a team cheering for her, and second because I think her story is a good one.... (probably 'cause its a lot like mine). My friend, let's call her Lo-Lo... has been back and forth on this idea for a while. She says she's oscillating because she isn't sure if she's up to entering the world of tough academics and doctor stress... I say she's being chicken. She actually handles academics beautifully, is a resourceful student and I think she'd be a great doctor.

About her. She didn't major in the sciences, but did complete her pre-med requirements. She originally wanted to go to pharmacy school and scored really well on the PCAT (this would be the part of our stories that are clearly not alike). For whatever reason she didn't get accepted at the school she wanted to go to and sort of let the idea go. Then she got her MPH and has been working as an epidemiologist for 3 years. She briefly thought about med school again a few years back and took the MCAT but didn't do so hot. But she's trying again and plans to apply to med school this summer. If she matriculates next year she'll be 29 when she starts.

She's taking the MCAT on May 1st (2 weeks!) and she needs a little encouragement... so write her a message. And tell her to do the damn full-length exams! She's slacking on those!

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