Friday, August 28, 2009


Today I met my 2nd year buddy. Based on our background and academic interests, every first year gets paired up with a 2nd year "big brother/sister" to act as an advisor/confidant/support person for all the newbies. I met my buddy Karin today at a party set up by the school. All in all she and her boyfriend (also a 2nd year) were super cool.

Here's the weird part. Now I've heard this in passing... but today a group of 2nd years (including Karin and her boyfriend), were adamant that I stop wasting my time by going to class. Essentially (according to their theory), you can save time by staying at home and watching the streamed class lectures (all our class lectures are streamed for convenience to review at your leisure online). You can stay home and study, thus saving yourself the inconvenience of waking up early, getting ready, driving to school, parking, etc... all of which takes away precious study time. Huh?

I haven't missed much class thus far, save for the trial and one day this week when a neighbor cat attacked my baby bird... (she' ok now I think)... but I feel like going to class is so important. Maybe it's just psychological... because I NEVER went to class as an undergrad and I was a terrible student. I barely ever missed class during my Masters work and got all A's (ok, 1 B+). Plus, for christ's sake I'm paying like a billion dollars for med school... shouldn't I go? Or am I being too anal? I'm not going to say it's not a huge inconvenience to get to class... because it is. And I actually look forward to the weekends with relief because I can study uninterrupted. Of course, everyone says you have to go to anatomy lab... but the lectures are a waste of time. Damn, too bad. I wouldn't mind flaking out on anatomy. (SIDENOTE) Today I flicked a piece of fat from our cadavers hand onto my face.... and I freaked out and wiped my face on one of my lab partner's shoulders... Ha! I would have been SO PISSED if somebody did that to me. But hey, we're a team and it was a severe emergency!!!

Anyway, about skipping class... I'll have to think about that a little more.

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