Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting Pimped

When you get pimped in medicine (AKA Shame-based learning), it means that your upper level, attending, or your professor basically tears you a new asshole in front of your peers by firing off a million questions designed to put you on the spot and make you look like a dumb ass in front of everyone. Well, I should clarify. That's what pimping IS, not what it's supposed to be. If I were an attending defending pimping, I'd probably say something to the effect of "it's the Socratic method of teaching, used in an attempt to facilitate group learning and discussions, etc. etc." Whatever. It sucks.

As I'm sure you've summoned, I'm not really a fan of getting pimped... but as I've gotten older I have to say I'm much better at dealing with it. For instance, I have no problem repeatedly stating that I have no idea what he/she is talking about. I know that there is so much to know in the world that it is OK to say "I don't know". Plus, admitting that you have no idea early on in the pimping session makes it much less enjoyable for the pimper (or maybe just pimp?) to continue his tirade. Additionally, I have no issue with telling somebody to get off my case. Usually I can ward off pimping pretty well. Not to say that a really good pimp couldn't still make my adrenaline surge or even prompt a few tears... but they'd have to be the world's biggest a-hole for that.

So some people advocate that they like professors who pimp because they make you think, they make you uncomfortable, and put you on your toes. I couldn't disagree more. For me, being in utter terror of not having the right answer never contributed positively to my learning processes.

Interestingly, the ones who pimp the most usually seem to be incredibly mediocre, unaccomplished and on their own narcissistic ego trip... out to demonstrate to the group that they know at least one thing that the pimpee doesn't know. It's totally not necessary. I have met some of the most accomplished, amazing, noble prize winning professors and NOT ONE of them ever did this crap to me. According to Buddha's requirements for being a great teacher, one must be deeply compassionate with their students and have ultimate patience. No where on the list does it mention "Pimp your students until they vomit from sheer panic".

Which happens. There are tons of stories about med students and residents getting so stressed out by pimping sessions that they actually pass out, have anxiety attacks, or burst out in tears. Two stories I've heard about at my school include a girl who passed out in anatomy lab after getting pimped (Yuck... hopefully she missed the cadaver), and a guy who passed out during a group learning session after getting grilled. I mean really. What can this possibly accomplish? Since when are "knowing the right answer in 1 second" and "being resourceful and intelligent" synonymous?

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