Monday, May 30, 2011

Strange behavior from niece?

When my cousin was 7 and I swear to you has the most loving parents in the world who NEVER left her with a babysitter, neighbor etc (I was living with them)... she used to take her cabbage patch dolls, take off their clothes and pretend to humiliate them by taking off their diaper and touching them or by sticking safety pins into their belly buttons and "pretending they were helpless and crying" As if this isn't abnormal enough, she is very nice on the exterior and caring and loving, but she has a very sadistic streak. She loves watching pain, inflicting pain. She says she needs a thrill all of the time and even plays domme (fully dressed) with her poor husband who takes it when she promises not to use hot wax or ice and then he lets her tie him down and she uses it anyway and LOVES it. She is in dental school and I fear for her patients a bit. What is her problem? Im really concerned.
this may or may not sound weird to you, but here it goes. OK from just what you have said here.... I wonder if its something that she brought with her from a past life. If it is and she doesn't feel like it is affecting her in a negative way then there isn't much you can do about it. Except maybe ask or tell her that is way to much info for you. If she does feel like this is something she wants to change tell her to surround herself with the white-light of are heavenly father each night before bed and ask him/her to take all the past back to the past. Good luck

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