Monday, May 30, 2011

What is with the Obsession or lies about good colleges?

(I am not a hater. If you can get into a name brand, then you go for it. I am highlighting a truth that should put some folk mind at ease. Thousands of Ivy Leage graduates will tell you that the school and the hype did not help them lovate gainfully employment) Sorry, I am here to debunk a well establisned myth. Millions of us are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the certain colleges guarantee success. Well, you have been deceived. While it is good to go to an Ivy League University, Wall street and the rest of the world are not waiting for you. THIS IS NOT THE SEVENTIES! I want to take my time and debunk this lie again; the college or university does not matter-you do!! Your abilities, skills, and knowledge are the ONLY thing employers seek. When I was in college, I believed all the lies. I was obsessed with making only "A's" because teachers and professors said it matters. After eight years of college, I kept an "A" average. I attended several private colleges that had reputations for academics. When I got in the world of work, no one cared about my colleges, GPA, or twice "Summa *** Laude." I was so confused. I had convinced myself that employers would make a big fuss over me because of my GPA and private colleges.. The truth is, most showed contempt because they were not achievers. They are looking for experience and not showmanship. If you attended an Ivy League School and cannot pass the BAR, what have you accomplished besides being unemployed? I work with a Stanford graduate who is my company's accountant. He is stressed and works on weekends. The previous account was an assitant who had attended a community college in Amarillo, Texas. She was brilliant and kept up with several accounts without complaint. She never stayed late or acted stressed. This is a new day and age. All schools are created equal when it comes to course content because more State and Private colleges are offering state of the art courses. These courses allow the student to sail through State and National exams. Certification speaks volume when applying for a position that asks for such.. Many parents assume that their child is getting the best education if they attend certain universities. That is NOT always the case in 2009. A few years back, the best dental school in the country was not John Hopkins or Harvard Medical. It was San Antonio Allied Health. The best Law school that continues to win national titles to this day is Regency University in Virginia. It is not your traditional name brand school. The worldforce is looking for competency, not labels. You can graduate from Harvard, Yale, or Vanderbilt and be a complete idiot and unprepared for the job market. I know a lady that put her three children through Trinity University. This is a very expensive school. In fact, some homes cost less than what it costs for one year. The mother wanted to give her children an edge in life as do most parents. The oldest child ended up working a menial job. The second found a job as a desk clerk at a motel. The third one is still out there. They got the name, so their rmission was accomplished. So, stop stressing yourself about getting into a "Namebrand." If you want a job in the 21st Century, you best prepare yourself for the competition. Your competition is not coming from Columbia, MIT or Penn State. It is coming from community schools, East Mississippi or San Diego State.
I really think that the student make the school. The school does not make the student. The success of the school is base on what the student have done with their degrees. But it seems that some people assume that by going to a top school, they will be fed with a silver spoon in their mouth which is not true. ss

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