Some one told me this true story yesterday and it is haunting mythoughts.....I can't believe what kind of monster could do this,and to their own child? (Iowa)A man took his 2yr old son to the middle of nowhere on the side of the road .....stomped on him, kicked him ...etc.. By the time the cops helicoptered in ,the boy was gone.(passer bys tried to stop him....but it was too late by then) and he was still crushing the boy long after his passing. Sharp shooters came in and shot the father down... the boys body was so badly pulverized that they had to use dental records to identify his body. When his wife was later questioned about a possible motive for her husbands horrific crime, she claimed that her husband believe the 2yr old to be a demon in the literal sense. Sorry if I bummed everyones is so hard to shake it... it was so evil * 30 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 24 minutes ago Link to the article:… 6 minutes ago These kinds of things just keep happening.... When I was 11 in 1996 (lived in Florida) I knew abeautiful , sweet 18mth old girl whom was murdered by her own grandma(during a weekend visit) (he strangled to death and then placed into a storage freezer) and called the cops to confess the next day while going about her daily rountines. When she was questioned she told police that her grand daughter was a neglected child that no one cared about....and that she was too good for this world. She recieved life...without the possibility of parole...what is f***ed up? She was only sent to jail for 5yrs for murdering her husband (in supposed self defense....stabbing him over 30 times) Her 18mth old life could have been saved if her grandma would been properly punished for the death of her husband. When I went to her funeral, the following was clear that many loved her and I still can't remove the image of her 2 1/2 foot coffin
unfortunately in today's world things like this happen....I have read about and or seen it to many times my self..personally I think we need to take a hint from some of the wild life around us sometimes...the nurturing nature as I have heard it called seems to portray what we as humans need to learn...child abuse is such a horrible thing as a victim myself I try my best not to allow my children to ever become victims but it is up to each and everyone of us to break the cycle. If we see something wrong or out of sorts then we need to report it and stop being so afraid of the outcome..if you see someone being abused weither its verbal, mental, sexual or physical we need to take a stand and report it. Don't sit back and say I don't want to get involved, we need to be involved, if our children are our future then what are we teaching them if we sit back and watch these horrible things being done to them and not taking a stand?
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