Monday, May 30, 2011

Why was fluoride added to water supply in 1945?

I've done some research on the matter and heard things here and there about the use of fluoride throughout the years, but I found it most interesting to discover that after Americans during WW2 discovered that Nazi's had used fluoride (sarin nerve gas, mustard gas) to make the Jewish prisoners more docile to the point where they would hardly put up any kind of fight for survival. That they would then use it for "health purposes" After the war ended in 1945, the United States begins using fluoridation for dental hygienic purposes. Though fluoride, if you look into it, does more harm than good for that particular purpose. So why is it that during that time it was decided to use such a method for the mere purpose of controlling dental hygiene of all things. I mean seriously, when has this country ever shown that it cares about the health of the "average" American citizen?
Your research is flawed - mustard gas has no fluorine in it, and it's only one of 5 elements in the sarin molecule (C4-H10-F-O2-P). Besides which - those gases were used to kill the Jews, not make them docile. If you do your research, you'll also find out that (1) fluoridation began in 1945, before the end of the war, and was based on research that had been going on for 20 years; and (2) the chemicals used for water fluoridation - usually H2-F6-Si - has reactive properties that are not similar at all to Sarin.

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