Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Extreme laziness, disorder, or what?

I recently have been worrying about my behavior. I will sometimes be way too lazy/unmotivated to do even the smallest things that I don't feel like doing, such as turning off lights when I leave a room to save energy/money, brushing my teeth, showering, cleaning, etc. However, when I am at school, and am assigned a job(such as cleaning), I will do it regardless, whereas if my parents asked me to, I would keep stalling... Sometimes I will not brush my teeth for several months, as I keep saying "I will do it tommorrow". Because of this, my dental health has gotten really bad, and sometimes I go a whole week between showers. It's not because I don't want to be healthy/clean, but it feels like I'm just too lazy or don't care, and I always end up putting things aside to "I'll do it later", and end up not doing it. I have been diagnosed with "depression" and "social anxiety" by therapists in high school, due to my extreme verbal shyness, but I am not sure if that would cause laziness or not. I'm currently 20, and living with parents. Thanks in advance.
I understand that feeling of overwhelming laziness. It's most likely due to your depression. This is where you need to be a little bit tough with yourself. If you can do the things you need to do at work or school then you have to make yourself do them at home. What you are really doing is punishing yourself by not taking care of yourself. Make a small list of things to do and do them everyday regardless of how you feel. Call the Mental Health Association and ask for a clinic near you where you can see someone. They are low cost. Also try they should have a listing there also. Don't give in to this and don't give yourself a break by doing this, you are making your life harder than it has to be. There is help out there. Reach out for it. Things can only get better for you.

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