Monday, May 23, 2011

How can I convince my mom to let me get braces?

I'm sixteen years old, and I've been trying to get my mom to say "yes" to braces for a while. I've told her how my smile looks terrible and how I'm sick of it, but she says she doesn't care and that she can't afford them (even though she apparently has around 10K stashed for things like shoes or a comfier office chair for herself). We don't have dental coverage, and last time I asked if I could get them for my birthday, she yelled at me. I know none of you can change her mind, but does anyone have any ideas? I really, really want a normal smile.
I think you should get braces only when the dentist recommends one. Braces are not for everyone, only certain cases. Just convince your mother to take you to a dentist appointment, which you should have at least twice a year. If the dentist there says you need one, then your mom will really have to consider it. Trust me, I know from experience, parents only seem to listen to the professionals, not their children. good luck! (:

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