Thursday, May 19, 2011

How come I get cavities no matter what I do!?

Hello, it seems as though no matter what I do every time I go to the dentist I have at least one cavity! I don't eat hardly any sweet stuff at all! I do tend to eat potato chips often though.. I brush my teeth twice a day (I only eat 2 meals a day) I floss every day and I use Crest Total Care mouthwash. I do drink about 3-4 Diet Pepsis and drink about 2 cups of coffee each day. I'm 37yrs old if that matter. As a kid I had a bad dental office visit once. So, I was scared of the dentist and hadn't went for probably a little over 10 years! I found a great dentist and spend an awful lot of time there! When my mom was alive she pretty much lived at the dentist. She said she had thin enamel. I believe I may have inherited her teeth and her thin enamel! Any help is appreciated as always! Thanks, Jack
The coffe and pepsi can't be helping, but my mom has the same problem you do. It sounds weird, but its all in your saliva. Some people's saliva (like mine) protects against cavities, while other people (like you and my mom) aren't blessed with that. I would reccomend talking to your dentist or another specialist because there is a treatment you can have done that reduces your cavities and increases the GOOD bacteria that chases away germs and plaque buildup. Good luck!

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