Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and in much pain with cracked tooth...?

Needless to say yes I understand I should of had this tooth fixed long before I became pregnant, However I couldn't offord it and than the state of michigan took dental insurance from us. So now I found out I pregnant and I'm in VERY horriable pain and unable to get any advice besides go to a urgrent care for some pain meds. I've tried everything under the sun, oral gel, tylenol the strongest I can get at cvs, And it doesnt take any of the ease off, Problem number 2 being Its saturday night my ob isnt open on the weekends and the doctor on call will not call in tylenol 3s because he doesnt know me personal. So now I have no idea how I'm going to make it through the night and sunday tommorow and hopefully get some help on monday with a denist in my area or some sort of advice to help me get through this... So if anyone out there knows any way of help I'm all ears!!!
Being pregnant complicates everything.For pain meds. go to ER. For future dental health buy xylitol and from today on use instead of sugar; your teeth will love it and your children's teeth will be healthier.

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