My hubby and i got into an argument last night and he really hurt my feelings... I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and super emotional and the whole works. I have been complaining lately because he can't seem to keep a job. In the last year, he has switched companies twice and now is looking to make another switch.I asked him to try to be more stable for the sake of the baby that we're going to have soon. I have to have my own medical/health insurance and add my unborn child as a dependent because I can't rely on my own husband since he changes companies like crazy. I have a full time job that I have been at for the last 7 yrs and I do all the cleaning and cooking around this house and take care of all the bills. He doesn't even know how to cook let alone ever attempted to cook me a meal. Well once, and it was steak. The home that we live in is owned by me, he moved in with me after we got married! He can't own anything let alone stand title for anything because he's in credit card debt and has 2 short sold homes..... So in a nutshell, he tells me that I'm annoying and not a very good wife because I refused to add him to my medical/dental health plan because of his instability with work. boy was I pissed.... I cried for hours last night and he completely ignored me... what an asshole.
You appear to have answered your own question, I sympathise but you picked him, good luck and may your child be happy and healthy!....
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