Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is it alright to feel like this?

Now i know this might seem very ignorant or me being selfish, but i do have a point here! My fiance never really grew up with luxury he has always lived pay check to pay check with his family, due to them coming here as immigrants, until i met him he's always told me that he wanted to get out of this mess. So finally a year ago he enlisted in the army, he started finding out how much life really could be happier then it has been in his past. Now since then hes been paying for his parent's rent (not every month, but every other month) giving them cash for misc. things and on top of that his older brother is in jail and the parents had no money for a fiance took the liberty to pay for the lawyer. He also pays for his father's cell phone bill untill his dad used up extra minutes and such the bill turned out to be $1,000. I was not happy about this. I understand if family is in need you help them, at any cost to stay off the streets. I've always had a positive outlook on this situation, untill my fiance told me that he only had a couple thousand in his account. I felt like he moved away from his family to get away from this mess, so why does he have to go back to it. His family is very lazy when it comes to work, i dont understand why they don't get a job, but that isn't in my hands. I'm just tired of him spending all his earnings tring to help his family. I want to be able to be happy too with my future. At this moment I'm going to school to be a dental assistant, and i want to be able to have money coming from both ends. My fiance gets mad at me when i tell him that this has to stop and gets very defensive and just doesn't want to talk to me about it. It got so bad last week that we didn't talk for 2 days. He says that im a "gold digger" and just dont care about money which is deffinately not true! I've lived my hard life when i was young. It just seems like he doesn't realize when it comes down to it, if he doesn't want to live like he once did he would save his money for his or our future?? I don't know how you would feel about this subject, but it's really bothering me on how his family just uses him like a bank! Please give me feedback on this so i don't feel like the only person like this. Thanks!
I understand that he wants to help his family, but not that much. You should talk to him and tell him that it's okay if he gives them money, but not as much as he is now. You should tell him to only give them what they absolutely need. Tell him it's not because you only care about money, but because you're worried about your future. If he gets mad, then maybe you shouldn't be with him. If he doesn't care about how you feel now, what makes you think he'll understand when you're married? It'll only get worse when you are completely sharing everything.

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