Saturday, May 28, 2011

Please, does getting a root canal hurt?

Im freaking out! I went to the dentist today and in the back of my mouth on the top jaw bone, i have a chipped tooth with a cavity in it. My dentist (from what my mom says) is a good one, and takes care and understands the patient. He also takes off money from some procedures just because. Not like thats important with my problem...but im still scared! He told me that i need one in the next few weeks. I want to be put to sleep, but i dont know if thats an option. If it is, i want it. But what if i wake up to early? Or if i do feel the pain in my sleep? What if i dont wake up to the standard time i was given, like afterwards??? I cried when i heard about te needle. And being 14, you would think im a big girl about alittle pain. But im not! Please, any past experiences or dental assisstants or acctual dentists what know any of this, please, im tearing up here, help me sooth my mental pain.
alright sweetie, you sound just like me!! I hate needles to. So what I did to help me relax and calm down is went to my doctor to get some pills called Diazepam. talk to your doctor about those. what it is, is a tiny white pill that will relax your muscles and make you feel all happy inside and no it doesnt make you drugged up but it does something with your brain connection to pain and anxiety and makes it so you dont get over tense and such which makes the needle hurt more and then it makes it so when you get the shot that all you feel is pressure in your mouth and no pinch or pain at all. I have tried these and they are 100% safe and affective. So speak to your mom about asking your doctor about this and good luck you will do fine I am in the same boat as you with the root canal :) Kyle just a quick note to you, she will need to get a root canal because my dentist went ahead and filled a chipped tooth as a filling and acted like it was a cavity and 2 weeks later it abscessed my tooth and the PAIN IS UNBEARABLE! So I highly recommend she is going the 100% right route as they told me after filling my tooth with a pretty dime size hole that its 50/50 that it could need a root canal or not. and I do need one and am getting it in 2 weeks.

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