Friday, May 20, 2011

Please help!!! I feel so unloved?

I'm in college & living at home. I don't have any friends and don't want any b/c I've had bad luck in the past. Therefore, I spend a lot of time at home. Well, since school started & before that I had to work, get ready for school w/doc & dental app., etc. I also go to therapy weekly, so I haven't been at home very much. I'm also kinda lazy & don't like doing chores. Well, usually by the time I get home (or before that..really) I'm sleepy & out of energy so I don't do chores often. However, I do some chores. I do laundry almost daily. I help my mom clean up a lot a couple times this week. Well, I just got home. I went to the dentist for a filling, work, study group for a test w/my partner for the test (it's an oral spanish exam), and the nail salon, which I haven't been to for about 3 weeks. I don't really care about my appearance but my nails...i guess b/c it's easy. I get in the door in a cheery mood and my mom brought me down I can tell she's upset even tho i had to go to all those places minus the salon which took less than an hour. she said she's sick, I told her i was sorry & fixed her some meds. she's laying down beside me and looks very sad=( it makes me want to cry. also, i tolds her i need a root canal & she hesitated then asked about the cost. that's it. OMG!!! she just started crying out of nowhere..just now! i told her i'd stay home all tomorrow be her nurse & clean. i'm honestly not looking forward to cleaning but i like spending time w/Mom.
taking an hour for yourself at the nail salon every 3 weeks is not asking too much but you probably should help out more around the house. if shes paying all the bills then the least you can do is keep the house neat. your mom sounds like maybe shes depressed. try to take to her about it and see if she will discuss it with her doctor.

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