Friday, May 20, 2011

Questions for a Dentist.?

How would a dental assistant answer the following statements or questions from a patient? make sure you talk to the pt so they can understand. 1. I read an article that polishing the teeth will wear away the enamel and so I do not want my teeth polished. 2. How do I know that you are qualified to polish my teeth? 3. What steps does this office take to ensure that I am protected from AIDS? 4.The dentist just cemented a bridge in my mouth, how do I take care of it? 5. During performing a coronal polishing a patient complains that a tooth just felt hot and it hurt. What happened and what should have been done to avoid the occurrence?
1. It will only wear away enamel if you have a dental grade polishing daily....Most people only get one every 4-6 months depending on their level of decay. 2. We need to be certified before we graduate. We train, practice, take a written and practical exam with a dentist present. If we do not pass then we do not graduate. 3. Everything is sterilized in extreme heat to kill any bacteria and virus's. Nothing is going to go straight from one patients mouth to your mouth. If you are ever concerned, you can request a new set of instruments be used. And....they should be removed from the sterilization bag in your presence. If you are really concerned, ask your dentist new patient coordinator for a tour of the office, lab and sterilization area. 4. I am just a DA so I would say consult your prostadontist or Dentist who made it. But in most cases, you brush as usual. 5. If they feel heat, then the person polishing probably let the polishing cup sit in one place for too long. Kinda like letting a hair dryer sit in one spot for too long. Thats why you're suppose to move it in 3 swiping motions...Distal, Buccal, and Mesial. (Occlusal and Lingual). I hope that helped ease some of your concerns. Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions.... name is Erin :)

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