Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Any suggestion on what an orthodontist would do with this situation (orthos and dentists please look)?

I went to the dentist a while back, after having never having been in my life. I've had gaps in my top and bottom teeth from single digits in age, where I fell and bit a hole completely through the skin under my bottom lip. The dentist said I am missing #7 and #10 teeth that are not in the gums and didn't show up on the x-rays, so they apparently never existed either due to the fall trauma or something congenital. Also, teeth #24 and #25 are thought to be baby teeth. I'm 27 years old, and these two teeth have always been this "small" looking. They seem to have worn down on the top and there is browning of both teeth along the gumline and a light transparent browning at the top of the teeth. The dentist said he could possibly put crowns on them, if they are strong enough to do so. I got referred to an orthodontist for his opinion. As for the #7 and #10 teeth that are missing, the dentist was wondering if maybe the ortho could move teeth 8 and 9 together (there is a gap between them a few millimeters wide) and maybe do implants for teeth 7 and 10. None of my front teeth line up properly and the dentist and dental assistants acted like I had some odd bite that they had never seen before. They didn't say underbite or overbite...they basically did the, "A normal bite is like so and your bite is like 'that' " approach as if I was a freaking alien or something. I'm going to try to go to the ortho next week and see what they say. I have a couple of self-taken pictures for hopefully some real orthos and dentists to look at an tell me what they think, in the meantime. I'm just curious. The dentist didn't seem to care or mention at all what could be done about the browning near the gum on these supposed baby teeth. I'm not sure if that's tooth decay or what. I now (as of several days ago) brush with a Sonicare toothbrush, floss at least once a day, and use mouthwash.
I'm not a dentist or anything but by looking at your pictures I'm worried about your gums. Your bottom gums look really receded by the two teeth beside the baby teeth so you should maybe ask about seeing a periodontist for a gum graft.

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