Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Don't u think there should be a law on having babies you can't afford to raise?

It makes me upset and sick that Nadya Suleman has 6 kids plus an additional 8 more babies for a single parent(divorced)..True its unique and rare but what does it actually mean? We pay for her hire nannies? The diapers,clothing, food, medical and dental plus her home, electricity and so on? How long? Until they are 18? Omg! she surely planned her life right especially with the whole recession going on, huh? How about the poor babies? Are they really getting all the attention they need? The fertilization who helped her, SHAME ON YOU! I bet you charge married couple's a highly great price for 1 baby but yet you do it for free for someone who is jobless single parent and who already has 6 kids of her own..Look at where you placed your gift to? YOU ADDED A BILLION DOLLAR PROBLEM FOR THE WORLD AND YOU PUT THE BABIES LIVES IN JEOPARDY...ever heard of With great Power comes with great Responsibility??? YOU GUYS ARE SO IRRESPONSIBLE...Which is why I think there should be a law on how many babies you can pop especially when you can't afford it..I think rules need to be applied here..I mean what are we actually trying to prove here? LIVE WEALTHY with try having 9 babies more than me cuz its another unique freakin story..Poor babies who suffers from it all and are only 1lb... should we just pretend were blind and act stupidity??? oh ya since she is a single parent with 14 kids I guess getting a JOB is out of the Question? she;s asking for 2million dollars for shows and reporters what the heck..what happens if we just ignored her? how would she raise the baby then? how did she plan on raising 14 kids with no job in the first place? if we ignored her and let her raise her kids like normal people who needs to take care of their own responsibilities what would she do then? would she end up a crazy parent who would careless about her kids and find them in the news with a tragic story?
I think that if the people of the United States are expected to provide support for the children, then yes there should be a limit on how many they can have. If they are able to provide for them and care for them without having to depend on govt handouts, then they can have as many as they want. I also think that if they have had a child taken away from them because they didn't care for it or abused or neglected it, then they shouldn't be allowed to have another.

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