Thursday, May 26, 2011

Some men just don't have any manners. Why?

Bus Driver: "Your face is tight!" Me: "Excuse me?" Bus Driver: "I said your face is tight!" That is a conversation I had with a bus driver a few months ago. Not that it was any of his business, but I had just come from a dental appointment to have a crown replaced on my tooth. My mouth was numbed up pretty good and I could barely feel my face. Men on the street are always telling me how to look or feel. They say things like "Smile!" or "Why do you look so mad? Smile. You're too pretty to not smile." Once while at a job a male customer said to me "You must be single." When I asked him why he said that he said it was because "No man wants a woman that doesn't smile." I told him that I didn't care what some man wants, but I don't think he heard me. The thing is I know that men don't walk around making comments to other men about what their relationship status may be or how they should feel. So why do men feel it is okay to do this to women?
This is what I do. When a random man on the street says "Cheer up love, it might never happen" I say "Oh but it has!" Floors them, every time.

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